Fenix TK OR a M60 drop in?

prof student

Nov 14, 2007
Which one would you go with:

1) the new Fenix TK 10/ or 11
2) a Surefire light (6P/G2) with a Malkoff M60 drop in?

AND of course, why?
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LOL, u know...those two lights are on my mind right now...and im still having a hard time deciding...

TK10, because it has two levels, and i love fenixes, half as cheap

6p with m60 because i know its more reliable, if somethign were to happen to the m60, you'd have the p60 as a back up.

but i know from talking to gene that u cant run the m60 in the G2 for more than 15 mins at a time....so def get a 6p at the minimum....

and i heard the c2 plus m60 is a great combo

or better yet a c3 plus m60 for a better runtime, same output though
Well, regarding the reliability card, I've never had a function problem with any of my Fenixes: (2) E0's, (2) P2D's, P3D, and an L2D. Beyond that though, Fenix-store is awesome with communication and repairs from what I've read in CPF.

As to your question, the TK has 2 levels of output so it gets my vote. That being said, I do have several M60's, as I have a few SF 6p's already. Meh, buy both! :thumbsup:
I have all four lights, but no Malkoff (only a P60L). For most uses I prefer the Fenixes, mostly because they has two levels.

The G2 has the advantage of an all plastic body for some applications.
I have both and would got with the M60 setup hands down. To me the Malkoff / Surefire combo is just a better product and worth the extra cost. The fact that you can upgrade with the Surefire sure is a bonus as well.
It depends whether one wants or needs a multi-level light. That would be the deciding factor for me, not the manufacturer, so I'm not voting at all :nana:
Well, regarding the reliability card, I've never had a function problem with any of my Fenixes: (2) E0's, (2) P2D's, P3D, and an L2D. Beyond that though, Fenix-store is awesome with communication and repairs from what I've read in CPF.

As to your question, the TK has 2 levels of output so it gets my vote. That being said, I do have several M60's, as I have a few SF 6p's already. Meh, buy both! :thumbsup:

i never really had any problems with my fenixs either, my EO1 ( 3 ) P2d ( although i've messed it up a bit ) and my p3d! but no L2d,

I wonder if any body who has both a TK10/11 and a M60 would let us know which is better. throw, spill etc.
Well, I am having some problems with my TK10. It just wont light up when I push the button..
So from now on that one stays at home..

Then I have a SF C2 with Malkoff M60LL. Still just 80lumens output, but for 8h..

And 8h is a loooong time when you just flash with it sometimes. Even if you take a long walk at night you wont run out of batteries.
And it works perfectly when I´m shooting.

So I wouldn´t hesitate to get me another C2/M60LL conf.
i never really had any problems with my fenixs either, my EO1 ( 3 ) P2d ( although i've messed it up a bit ) and my p3d! but no L2d,

I wonder if any body who has both a TK10/11 and a M60 would let us know which is better. throw, spill etc.

btw im leaning more towards the tk10 cuz of the two levels and cheaper price....if one does fail, u'd still have enough to buy another one!
Well, I am having some problems with my TK10. It just wont light up when I push the button..
So from now on that one stays at home..

Then I have a SF C2 with Malkoff M60LL. Still just 80lumens output, but for 8h..

And 8h is a loooong time when you just flash with it sometimes. Even if you take a long walk at night you wont run out of batteries.
And it works perfectly when I´m shooting.

So I wouldn´t hesitate to get me another C2/M60LL conf.

Hmm, what can u compare the 80 lumens of the m60LL to? would it be anything close to a p60?
I think the TK10/11 is your way to go. Half the price (at least) and still very high quality, and extremely durable. The brightness and beam quality are outstanding. If you get it from the fenix-store, you still get a great replacement warranty if anything should break. Plus, you get 2 levels. The 60 lumen general is still really bright... probably too bright in fact.

I know it's kinda anti-thetical to the purpose of the TK10/11, but I'd like to see a version with 6 lumens / 60 lumens / 260 lumens (using an R2 maybe). I'd personally like to see strobe added as well... oh yeah, and have it pulse-out the beat to It's a small world afterall... LOL just kidding.

Side question (sorry for stealing the thread topic here)... is the only different between the TK10 and TK11 the ability for the 11 to use rechargeables and the fact that it has a smooth reflector? I think the 11 also has a slightly different fin design behind the head too, right? Can the TK11 use all the same batteries as the TK10?
Hi... I've lurked at this forum for years and this is my first posting here.

I work on the streets (LE) and I recently received a black Fenix TK11 from Fenix-Store. I chose the TK11 over the TK10, since the TK11 has a polished reflector (my preference). More importantly the TK11 accepts a rechargeable 18650 battery, which gives the TK11 some very impressive run times - 2.7 hrs on "turbo" mode and 12 hrs on low.

I don't have the Surefire, so I can't answer for that. However, I do have the Wolf Eyes Defender DXA2/R2 that is rated at 280 lumens. Although the WE orange peel reflector puts out a smoother beam, I find my 225 lumen TK11 has a much nicer throw while providing an equivalent spill.

Although I've only had the TK11 a few days, it is now my favorite "weapon" on my duty belt. On my first night with the TK11, I effectively used it to stop a person coming toward me dead in his tracks.

I didn't care for the TK11's tactical ring, and I easily removed it. That left some exposed threads, but it's minor. I contacted 4Sevens and I was assured that they will soon have brass & black rings available for the TK11 to replace the tactical ring.

My TK11's element is also slightly out of alignment (as others at CPF have complained). However, it is not detracting in actual use. I never notice the halfmoon donut it produces unless I make an effort to find it, such as shining the light at a nearby wall. Considering that I paid less than $75 for this extremely solid, very powerful flashlight, I can be forgiving of such a minor issue.

FWIW: I received excellent customer service and quick responses from Fenix-Store and 4Sevens. :twothumbs On the other hand, I've received one very slow response, as well as no responses at all, from pts-flashlights. :thumbsdow
Side question (sorry for stealing the thread topic here)... is the only different between the TK10 and TK11 the ability for the 11 to use rechargeables and the fact that it has a smooth reflector? I think the 11 also has a slightly different fin design behind the head too, right? Can the TK11 use all the same batteries as the TK10?

The TK10 has a clip, a different head from the TK11, and it comes with a brass ring to replace the tactical ring. The TK10 will not accept the rechargeable 18650 Li-Ion. It looks like the head assembly has an anti-roll feature, even without the tactical ring in place.

The TK11 has the same light specs as the TK10 (225/60 lumen), but it will accept an 18650 battery, giving it significantly longer run times (2.7 hrs on turbo, vs 1.5 hrs for the TK10).

The TK11 does not ship with a ring to replace the tactical ring, and the flashlight will roll without the tactical ring in place. A small design error, IMHO. The TK11 does not have an option for a clip, in case that's important to you.

EDIT: Also, as you noted, the TK11 has a polished reflector vs. the TK10's orange peel reflector.
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If you are willing to buy a 2 stage tailcap for the 6p, it would be very tempting.
I do not have the TK, but do have a T1, and the niceness of the beam, combined with its utter reliability and 2 levels of output makes it a winner in my book.

I do like the 6p's lighter weight though.
I have both, but I guess the easiest way for me to answer is to tell you how I use them. I have 1 - Fenix TK10, which is in my flashlight box and is taken out, at times, to "play" with.

OTH I have 3 - M60's (in SF 6P's), 1 is on my duty belt, 1 is carried, at all times, with my CCW (off-duty), and the third is kept in reserve, in case of emergency.

I'll let you figure out which I would "trust my life to" (I don't think it will be too hard!). Not that the Fenix is bad, it's just not "up to" the standards (at least for me) of the Malkoffs in a SF P/C series, etc..

Trusting your life to a flashlight is a pretty a silly notion. I have a Sureifire 6P and a TK10 and both lights are up to standards. If I were you I would get the TK 11 the P6 and something like a Solarforce drop in.
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Trusting your life to a flashlight is a pretty a silly notion. I have a Sureifire 6P and a TK10 and both lights are up to standards. If I were you I would get the TK 11 the P6 and something like a Solarforce drop in.

Trusting our lives to a flashlight might be a little of an overstatement, but for us in law enforcement it is critical to have a flashlight that we can absolutely depend on in highly stressful and/or abusive situations.

Personally I'm quite happy with the TK11, and I find it far more dependable than our issued Streamlight Stingers.
Well im sure law enforcement need reliable gear, when u pull the trigger, it better fire, when u press down on that oc spray, it better shoot out, when u call in that raido it better transmit the message, and the same with their flashlights, im sure when they want light, it better be there when they hit that button..correct me if im wrong

btw im not a LEO, i just understand the need for a reliable flashlight

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