Fenix TK10 Extreme Torture Test


Newly Enlightened
Jan 3, 2007
Past reviewers have pushed the limits of the original T1, but this review will take the TK10 a little further. For those of you who are squeamish, now is the time to hit the back button, this may not be suitable for young children. The first test is the pillow torture test. Unit was dropped over 4 times onto this pillow from a distance of 2 feet. RESULTS: PASS!

Extreme wind test lasted for 2 minutes with no damage. RESULTS: PASS!

Extreme sun test. Unit was subjected to sunlight for 4 minutes with no ill effects. RESULTS: PASS!

Extreme waterboarding. Unit was tortured for 30 seconds. RESULTS: PASS!

Hamper Test. Not too many people think of this one. RESULTS: PASS!

Teenager scream test. Can be quite abusive (I know). RESULTS: PASS!

Last but not least is the bunny test. Unit survived 15 seconds till the Zoey lost interest. RESULTS: PASS!

Ok, I hope you enjoyed that. I'm sure you'll get plenty of reviews here that will answer all your specific questions. Thank you to those who have the equipment and expertise to produce those wonderful reviews. My simple review is just my personal thoughts. Absolutely love it. I was very impressed when it arrived from Fenix Stores. Fit and finish is very very nice. I really like the olive finish. Very tough looking, a real tank ;> I see no flaws. Switch feels just right to me. AR coating is unreal; you have to look awhile to see any glass. Tension on head switch is perfect.

Beam and brightness are gorgeous. There must have been some really good work on the reflector. My beam is much better than the one shown on the website. I have to look hard to make out a little darker area around the spot. I'll call it almost perfect. Just the right throw and spill for me. I'm sure other reviewers will have great beam shots. I could have done some, but I'm sure I would have been outdone. Tint is wonderful. Pure white compared to other lights, and a little on the warm side. The low mode makes this a real workhorse, just right for many tasks.

My only gripe is the copper spacer ring. I tried to get used to it, but just can't. The only good thing is that it might be easier to find on the shelf. But I may have to paint it black, or just leave the tactical grip on.

I have nothing but good things to say about David and his staff at Fenix Store. They are a pleasure to deal with, unlike others I have recently been reading about, ouch.

This light is a great deal, even if it was higher. Ok, that's my take. Keep up the good work Fenix. I look forward to other reviews.
You have a great sense of humor!

You will go far.

Now go. Go now. Go far!


This was a nice comic relief after reading ALL OF THE MANY reviews! Thanks for the laugh!
HAuhAhuAHUAHauhauAHuAHauh :crackup:

In my opinion, sense of humor is a question of evolution. The more evoluted you are, more sense of humor you have.

Conratulations for the excellent post!
Great tests! Great photos.
Those of us who did the T1 torture tests deserved some sending up!
Mayo, you may have just set the new standard by which reviews are judged. I look forward to many more informative reviews from you.