Fenix TK12 R5 vs Olight M20 R5


Newly Enlightened
Aug 19, 2010
Which do you guys think is the better light? They seem very similar and I can't decide. I'd been looking at the Fenix for a month or two now but seeing the Olight has made me reconsider.

Also, it will spend most of its life mounted to an AR for home defense, which raises another question- since both of these lights seem to be made more for 'throw', should I put a light diffuser on the one I get? Is that what light diffusers are for, to make a 'throw' beam into more of a flood beam?
There is a pressure switch available for the Olight, not sure about the Fenix. Either light should serve you well. I have an M20 mounted on my AK with a pressure switch.

Olight offers a diffuser, but if I had to step outside or were in a house with very large rooms, long hallways I would prefer the standard beam.

i think, i can help you :twothumbs

camera : Panasonic Lumix TZ7
Zeit : 15 s
Brennweite : 4,1
Blende 3,3
Iso: 80

Have fun.....:thumbsup:


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The Fenix definitely appears to be brighter. It looks like you have experience with both lights, is that the one you prefer klondike?
There is a pressure switch available for the Olight, not sure about the Fenix. Either light should serve you well. I have an M20 mounted on my AK with a pressure switch.

Olight offers a diffuser, but if I had to step outside or were in a house with very large rooms, long hallways I would prefer the standard beam.

Fenix also has a remote pressure switch, and Fenix offers a diffuser as well.
I am sorta in the boat with you. I narrowed it down to the Fenix TK12 R5, Olight M20 R5, and JetBeam III-M R2.

If you go Fenix, make sure you like the UI, but for your purposes, you don't need to do a lot of changing light levels. The sequence for Olight is low-med-high-strobe.

All three have been tested for durability. There was one where some kids were whipping the Fenix around. Olight and JetBeam were tested as well, dropped from height, used under water, etc...

The Fenix was also crushed, and failed after 20,000 lbs. or something like that. I have decided on JetBeam, but am now deciding on my second light, to get Fenix, or Olight, decisions...decisions...

The Fenix definitely appears to be brighter. It looks like you have experience with both lights, is that the one you prefer klondike?

Excuse me, my English is not very well !!
In my EDC-rotation is the Fenix TK12 R5 on the 1st-Place. Then came the Olight M20 R5....


I'm not sure about those pics...in the Olight image there is a box to the right of the flashlight that is more visible than it is in the pic for the Fenix. The Olight does seem to have a narrower beam though.
The Olight has a removable crenelated bezel ring. When you take it off you get a lot more spill.

The Olight seams to have a smaller hot spot and may throw more. I hear the older Olights with R2s throw better than the XP-G.

I have no experience with the Fenix TK12, but have always wanted one. Just can't afford both right now.
I'm not sure about those pics...in the Olight image there is a box to the right of the flashlight that is more visible than it is in the pic for the Fenix. The Olight does seem to have a narrower beam though.

I think that is because the tk12 is overpowering what you see heh or maybe something with the bezel reflecting slightly real close up from what I can see in the pics nothing else shows more
I have both the TK12 R5 and the Olight M20S R5. The M20S's UI is real nice and easy to use, especially with the "Tactical" side switch. The TK12's beam has a "nice" donut hole whereas the M20S's beam is beautiful. Nice centre hotspot which gradually dissipates. No rings, no donut holes, just a beautiful beam!
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