Fenix TK16 versus TK15UE


Mar 26, 2011
Rockport, Indiana
I'm trying to decide between the TK16 versus the TK15UE. Primary differences that catch my eye are:

1) I LOVE the Grey Cadet color option on the TK15UE (unfortunately they don't offer that beautiful SS bezel ring on the grey one)

2) 15 has stainless steel mode changing button on the head.....the 16 has a clean head with the mode changing button on the tail cap.

Which system is more durable/trouble free? The mode change on head or the tail cap mode changer?

Opinions please!
My opinion leans towards the TK15UE because:

1. Tail switch is on, or off with momentary, side switch for modes (so you don't accidentally change modes looking for the power.)

2. It's a little bit more of a thrower (Personal preference.)

3. Higher candela on Turbo/ Burst in case you need to temporarily blind someone. (Had a situation that called for it.)
15UE is what I ended up ordering

I ordered the black....if they ever ship them out and I love them...I may order the Grey one and then swap some pieces around for some two tone look
I do like the contrast of the silver on black. It's one of the reasons why I chose the UE version of the TK22. I wouldn't notice/ care as much if the bezel gets dinged up.
All buttons on tail is only useful when you are holding a handgun agent-style...