fenix tk20 grip mods?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 7, 2010
Ok so I just ordered a tk20, and Im curious about the current grip fenix is using. Does it still slide around, and can be taken off easily, or is it hard to remove? Also, has anyone modded their grip on the tk20? if so, pics plz.
My grey TK20 doesn't slide at all. Great light! I'm sure you will be quite happy with the build quality.
There were issues with the first run but then they made a tighter grip. My later version would not slip no matter what I did and I've not heard of any others doing so.
my tk20 is over a year old with a good bit of use and the grip is still very solid. the grip is actually a big + for this incredible light.
I have had my TK20 for about a month and my gray grip is nice and tight. It does not spin around at all, like what others reported when the TK20 first came out.

I have to admit that I have never removed or modified my grip as it just makes the light feel *so* good, especially when my hands are wet or when it's cold outside. The only semi-modification that I've seen done to the TK20 was the complete removal of the grip. Some CPF members think that the light looks better without it. I'm more into light performance over looks, so hence I've never had the urge to remove mine.
I got my yellow grip TK20 in October of 2009 and it has had zero problems with the grip, i also ordered the T-series red filter for the TK20 and am very pleased with it. The pictures i took turn out rather orangey but in real world use its without a doubt, red.
I got my TK20 in October 2008, it was one of the first run. I had to fix it (no problems since then), but just a short time later, I think, the issue was fixed by Fenix :shrug:.

So there should't be any problems anymore.
can you still remove the grip on the current ones without damage? I want to try a paracord wrap.

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