Find your ebay seller on a map!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 15, 2001
Houston, Texas
Wow isn't technology amazing or what!

I discovered this site that can pinpoint the home of an ebay seller and give you even aerial views of the address registered on ebay.

Let's take this tread for example which has link to an ebay auction for a vintage Kel-lite

The aucion is

Copy the title of the action and go here

Paste the title of the auction in the "start new search field" and put your zipcode or any zipcode in the "zipcode" field, I put in the distance field "2000" miles and hit the search button.

you get this


It's an embeded google map with the seller's ebay addy, furthermore, click on satellite and you get this :faint:


I bet ebay scammers won't be able to hide from you anymore! :nana:

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I tried it and sometimes it does not give you a location, but others I can even see the house, not sure how it works tho.

It seems to resolve the registered address listed in Ebay's auction. It uses the zip code as a secondary input, and verification to prevent random repetative searches. Then it just pipes it in through something like ggogle maps which can also give you delayed satalite images of the same location. You could probably accomplish the same thing more effeciently by obtaining the sellers address, and going to google earth.
Thanks for sharing alexGT. Wow what a small world. I grew up in Barberton! And now live close to route 93!

I'll try it next time I'm looking for local pick-up!

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