Fire-Breathing Stock Incans?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2004
Painesville, Ohio, USA
OK, just got my SF 9P and P91 - this thing is what's called "pretty frikkin' bright".

I also just got done looking at the Wolf Eyes Lion, which claims 380 lumens. based on my experience, I doubt it. But I am very sure it is very bright. Just not sure it's brighter than the SF 9P and P91.

What reasonably portable and reasonably affordable (under $250) incan is out there, that I can buy off the shelf and use to set my eyebrows on fire? :)
The half, one, two, five, ten "million candlepower" halogen spotlights are the first thing that come into my mind.

They have H3 or H4 halogen globes with 6V or 12V SLAs.

And yes, they can put down a RoP, straight out of the box.
Yeah, been there, done that. I have a 10MCP Thor sitting next to me now. It's OK. My RoP is altogether a better light though. Nicer, whiter beam, better throw.

Someone has to make something that will make me happy, right? :)
A regular joe candle will also set your eyebrows on fire, just if you were wondering. Its stock. And it would cost you like $1, well under budget. :candle::nana:
You've been nothing but nice to me Mike, but man that was funny!!!!!!!!!:naughty::naughty::twothumbs

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