I recently received my PL47MU with the 9 E21A cluster and noticed every now and then when I go to turn the light on, the light strobes when I push the button instead of turning on. As long as I hold the switch, it will strobe in a momentary mode and when I release the switch, the light flashes once every second. There doesn't seem to any way of fixing it with button pushes or holds, I have to unscrew the tail to break the connection, wait for a few seconds and tighten it back up to get it to work properly. I've tested 2 different batteries, both with a full charge and it still happens every now and then with no clear reason as to why. I've emailed Fireflies a while ago, but haven't heard back from them yet
This version uses the same simplified Anduril the PL09MU for what it's worth. Thanks in advance!
This version uses the same simplified Anduril the PL09MU for what it's worth. Thanks in advance!