I finally got a hold of some titanium to try out on my mini lathe as I felt confident in all cutting procedures with aluminum. These are my impressions and I welcome any advice. At first I was worried that a mini lathe would not be able to do a good job with titanium. Not true. This stuff actually machines beautifully. Turning, facing and boring went great. I haven't tried threading yet, but don't anticipate any problems. The big problems I encountered were with drilling and knurling. Drilling this stuff without flood cooling seems to be just a bad idea. It took me 45 minutes to drill a 3/8" hole through 3" of stock with brand new cobalt bits. This stuff drills HOT! The bit would quickly heat up, expand and start to bind causing more heat, etc... Peck, cool, oil, peck, cool, oil... Is there any better tool or method to get through this stuff in a reasonable amount of time? I'm completely aware of the flammability of titanium swarf, so I made it a point to clean up often and take light cuts to avoid sparks. Knurling was a disaster. I couldn't get a good track with it. If I got into a bad track with aluminum, I could correct it with more infeed, reducing the diameter and get it to single track. Not possible with the titanium. Maybe my lathe/ tool just isn't strong enough to sink into this stuff. I ended up with a very nice double track knurl, but it's not what I wanted. Any tricks to this or should I just give up trying to knurl it?