First impressions of the new ITP C6T-S 230 lumens flashlight.


Feb 23, 2008
I don't know how to write a review, just know how to read and use flashlight only so bare with me.

First impression: extremely quick shipping. I ordered before midnight Friday and got the light today by UPS. From China to CA for 3 days: it's faster than from New York to CA.

I bought the Tactical version with Forward clicky and Smooth reflector and I will compare to my Tiablo A9 because it looks kind of similar.

The C6 came with holster, lanyard, 2 orings and a rubber boot. It's a little shorter than A9. The ring at the tail cap is not rubber as in A9 but it's a part of the tailcap with the hole for lanyard. The A9 has a larger and deeper reflector. So the C6 is typically smaller than A9 and might be better for EDC. The type III finish in black is very nice with no mismatch in color.

There is only one mode for the tactical version. I love the brightness adjusting of the C6: from light on just unscrew the head and it will decrease the brightness until the lowest level and blinks three times and stops there. The description saying it would blink twice but mine has three time. To lock the memory at the level I want just retighten the head. I think I will use this feature as a 2 mode version: turn it on at Max/Min and when needed change to Min/Max by unscrew the head and don't bother about any brightness in between.

The hotspot is ringy because of the smooth reflector. The A9 has an evenly hotspot, the C6 doesn't have that nice shape. They both have very tight and small hotspot but the A9 is tighter, brighter because of bigger and deeper reflector also higher rated lumens. But I think the C6 did a good job in throw compare to their reflector's sizes. It's not dark yet here in CA so I can't compare the two in throw outside.

I don't know what else to post and don't have a good camera or equiqments to measure, all by my eyes. The pictures and beamshots of the lights is on the Manufacture section at MarketPlace for you to check it out. For a promo price at $69 and ship to your door at the speed of light I don't think anyone will be disapointed.
Battery: compatible for CR123A,18650,16340,17670

What battery set up are you using, and how does it feel in your hand (it looks a little different than most other lights) ?
Battery: compatible for CR123A,18650,16340,17670

What battery set up are you using, and how does it feel in your hand (it looks a little different than most other lights) ?

I'm using 2 Trustfire RCR123A. Because A9 and C6 have the ring at the tailcap and my hands are not big:

- If I put my index finger after the ring near the switch: it's much easier to turn on with C6 than A9 because the shorter body of the C6. I use 2 fingers at the tail cap of A9 for better turning on and off.

- If all 4 fingers are on the body of C6 I have a very balance grip of the whlole light. But if I put my index after the ring at the tail cap the head will be heavier to have the feeling of a good smack on somethng with the light (tactical head).

- The C6 feels rock solid in my hands with a good grip all around the body. The lanyard attatched at the ring is on the way though.

I took the light outside after dark to play with using google maps tools:

- At about 95' I can't say which one is a better thrower among Tiablo A9, C6, Solarforce L2 R2 290 lumens and P6 with M60. The A9 has the tightest and brightness hotspot, next is C6. SF L2 R2 and M60 are almost the same with M60 is still the best spill of all.

- At about 210' the M60 is losing the reach, SF L2 R2 is hanging. The A9 shines better than C6 at this distance.

- At about 420' M60 and R2 are barely seen. And the A9 lighted up the top part of the light pole just fine, the C6 to my eyes is about 80% of A9.

To be fair, with a smaller and shallower reflector the C6 is a very good thrower.

With a smaller size than A9 but still good at throwing and the brightness adjustment the new C6 is a good buy IMO. I forgot the Min brightness is about the same Primary setting of Novatac 120P but smaller hotspot. So with my way to use as a two modes light 20 lumens (is it right for primary setting 120P?) and 230 lumens (no equpment to measure) the C6 will be useful in most uses.
Thanks for posting what seems to be the first review of these new lights :thumbsup:
Thanks for posting what seems to be the first review of these new lights :thumbsup:

It's not a review at all. Just because I was the first to have the C6, also their first customer, so I had a chance to post my inputs first. If you need a pro review wait for Selfbuilt in a short time because they sent him 2 different C6s to play with.

I got to mention I like the holster, it's not an expensive one but good enough to me. And it has two rubber boots, not one.
It's just an update: RCR123A batteries rattle inside the body even using the long Ultrafire. The diameter is quite big so it'll fit all 18650, no rattling around, but needed to wrap some layer of paper with RCR123A.
I accidently found out a new "feature" of my C6: it stays at MIN after ramped down without locking by retighten the head.

It won't stay at MAX at after ramped UP though.

So if I forgot to turn the head at MIN it will stay at MIN next time turning it on. But if I forgot at MAX when turning it back on it will ramp down. And my new "default setting" is MIN with no lock, to have MAX I just tighten and loose the head. The manufacture said it needs 1/4 turn to activate the ramp but mine is just lossen the head and it will ramp down right away, a 1/8 turn may be?
Well, I have to ask: am I the only one here bought this awsome light? No one but me joins in to discuss?

Compare to Fenix TK-11 this ITP C6T-S won hand down in many features:

1. Battery reverse-polarity protection: TK-11 doen't have this useful feature.
2. Unique infinitely variable digital -controlled brightness system: This is the best UI so far to me.
3. Low-voltage indication system: don't see this in TK-11.
4. Throw: the C6T-S will kick the TK-11 out of the water, almost as good as Tiablo A9.
5. Price: lower than TK-11 with promo price right now
6. Shipping: from China to CA for 3 days, I don't think Fenix Store is faster than that.

I know I will get flame for Fenix fans here but if it is the truth no one can change it, right? The Fenix TK-11 got all the hypes before released but nothing about this winner? I'm in Saddam's bunker to post this :aaa:
My full review with comparisons to other lights of its class is here:

ITP C6/C6T Review: Interesting new lights - RUNTIMES, BEAMSHOTS, etc.

The interface is simple and effective, and it is the first multi-power continuously-variable light I've seen over this wide an input voltage range. Personally, I'm quite impressed with the semi-regulated performance on 18650 - especially at the medium and lower ranges (which are well regulated).

I don't know why the low level of interest here either. I can only guess it is the lack of full regulation on 18650, or the overall dimensions and build of the light? :thinking:
Well, I have to ask: am I the only one here bought this awsome light? No one but me joins in to discuss?

Compare to Fenix TK-11 this ITP C6T-S won hand down in many features:

1. Battery reverse-polarity protection: TK-11 doen't have this useful feature.
2. Unique infinitely variable digital -controlled brightness system: This is the best UI so far to me.
3. Low-voltage indication system: don't see this in TK-11.
4. Throw: the C6T-S will kick the TK-11 out of the water, almost as good as Tiablo A9.
5. Price: lower than TK-11 with promo price right now
6. Shipping: from China to CA for 3 days, I don't think Fenix Store is faster than that.

I know I will get flame for Fenix fans here but if it is the truth no one can change it, right? The Fenix TK-11 got all the hypes before released but nothing about this winner? I'm in Saddam's bunker to post this :aaa:

Out of the bunker to say: ALL THE ABOVE ARE TRUE!

Thanks all for no flamming! One more tickle: at least you guys need to admit the truth above by posting in this thread, why all the silences? Post something like:

- Yes, it's one of the best. But I have no interested in buying one.
- Excellent product. But I have no money now even with promo price.
- Awsome! But I want to stay with my brand.

and so on...

And as mentioned this C6 does look like Surefire M6. If you don't want to buy from China you can order it from Shinningbeam site at MarketPlace.
This design actually provides a very secure and comfortable overhand grip with the pinky finger resting just below the head, but doesn't work well when held with a underhand grip.
Most manufacturers don't try to discourage purchases.
OK I'll chime in here as I have both the iTP C6T and the Fenix TK11.

The iTP C6T is one helluva good torch and excellent value at the asking price of $69 (mine was 2nd hand so bought cheaper), far better than any of the clones and *copies* found on those unmentionable sites.
Initially I had misgivings as I thought the *pineapple* body rather ugly but once it was in my hand wow this thing really is well balanced and comfortable to hold. :twothumbs
It fits in the hand so much better than the TK11 with that damned uncomfortable grip ring cutting into the hand, sure you can remove the grip ring but then Fenix in their cost cutting wisdom have decided not to supply the spacer ring and you're left with exposed threads gathering gunk. :shrug:

Fit and finish of the iTP? Excellent. :thumbsup: Appears to be very solid and well made. Good hefty reflector that screws in securely to the head. Evenly consistant HA111 anodizing.
Well centred LED and gorgeous just right slightly warmish tint.

Performance? Let's just say the iTP C6T brings a smile to my dial, wow can this thing throw, it outperforms the TK11 (but not by a huge margin) and the TK11 is no slouch in that department either.

Superbly simple UI that doesnt need the light to be clicked off to set the level in memory.

Is it worth the current CPF special price of $69? Definitely. I'm just kicking myself for not buying both when I bought mine as the other C6 would have been ideal for my elderly father. If only I'd known how good the torch was at the time . . . . . :sigh:
He may still get one yet!!

So yeah I'm very impressed with iTP and their first model.

Hmmmm that upcoming iTP C9T is looking good too! :thumbsup:
It seems that iTP did a good job,to manufacture so excellent flashlight,I will consider to buy one next month,because I am a poor lady,no money left this month.:mecry:
Are there more new owners? Care to post you opinions?

I got to love the quick ramp of my C6. This morning I tried to help my boss to figure it out what was the problem of the processor of our RIP before we called a repair tech and got a chance to use my C6 in my bag. As you know my default is MIN ramp down and it was not enough light to work with so I tightened and loosened to ramp up to MAX but it was too much. I had to to it a couple more times to have the ideal brightness.

My boss asked me "what the hell is that? a flashligh can adjust output like that?" The speed of ramp made my boss in awe. When I ramped up to MAX at the first time he yelled at me "Turn it off, quick!" and then he said "You know better than that we can use "laser" around here, negative films are everywhere". Hahaha, he though I'm using laser.

My C6 helped to fix the processor to save some money and the most important thing is I impressed my boss and co-workers around with it: I'm a true flashaholic in my company :twothumbs
Ive got all type of light from ITP :nana: so far .

Got to admit the ramping system is something new for me and its mechanism operation is very simple . MY only wish for C6 is to have the head size like RAID SPEAR or DBS V2 to get more throw.

As a principal this light worth my money. Im hoping that they will consider in the making new thrower.

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