First post and mod ever/ question about solitaire


Newly Enlightened
Mar 2, 2005
for my first mod, i plan on modding a solitaire. I'm using a 10 mm 13 lumen led from ebay. I know I need to use a 12V A23 battery. However some solitaire mod guides suggest using a resistor, and others do not. If i added a resistor, would the light be dimmer and battery life increase? would a 100 ohm resistor be okay?

/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/help.gif
Re: First post and mod ever/ question about solita

Yes, yes and yes.

The A23 battery just can't put out much current for long, so limiting it with a resistor will help. You might try a lower (47ohm or less, even zero) and higher value (200ohm or more) resistor to see the effects. I bought some of these LEDs (haven't seen 'em yet), not quite sure what I'll do with them.

It would be nice to fill the extra space with a step down converter rather than a spacer. Even a 75% effecient buck converter will deliver more current to the LED than it draws from the battery, but the grim reallity is the A23 bettery hasn't much power, especially at high discharge rates.

For me, the rewards don't outweigh the time consummed designing and building a converter.

Is there someone who is game for this? /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif
Re: First post and mod ever/ question about solita

pbarrette, LED_ASAP, and NewBie have done this (the electronix way), but space is very limited and you need to know what you're doing.

Other than the A23, you can also use 3x1/3 AAA NiMH and direct-drive the LED. I don't know how brightnes/runtime would compare, though.
Re: First post and mod ever/ question about solita

what exactly is a 3x1/3 AAA nimh?

how is it different from just a regular AAA nimh?