Hello CPF!
I just found this forum two days ago and... :twothumbs
I've been reading all I can, much to learn I'm sure, but as I'm sure you can imagine I'm looking for my first LED flashlight (i was thinking XP-G...or MC-E perhaps).
Originally, I thought surefire was _the answer_ but upon learning from this forum, there's plenty of other awesome flashlights out there.
I'm trying to find a "tacticool" flashlight: Black, grippy exterior, will fit inside a vest, maybe 3-5" long, 225+ lumens on high-mode (hopefully 3-mode atleast)....So I found the Ultrafire C1 from Kaidomain: ProductId=10199
Sadly, I cant seem to get my paypal account verified to order from them.
And if you're not verified, they wont ship to you.
So the questions are:
1. What's a good site to have stuff ordered on visa and shipped to canada (or even better, in canada?)
2. Is the Ultrafire C1 a decent light for what I'm looking for?
3. Should I build up my own? Get a body and upgrades?
Whew, that was a mouthful, sorry for the super long first post!
Thanks CPF
I just found this forum two days ago and... :twothumbs
I've been reading all I can, much to learn I'm sure, but as I'm sure you can imagine I'm looking for my first LED flashlight (i was thinking XP-G...or MC-E perhaps).
Originally, I thought surefire was _the answer_ but upon learning from this forum, there's plenty of other awesome flashlights out there.
I'm trying to find a "tacticool" flashlight: Black, grippy exterior, will fit inside a vest, maybe 3-5" long, 225+ lumens on high-mode (hopefully 3-mode atleast)....So I found the Ultrafire C1 from Kaidomain: ProductId=10199
Sadly, I cant seem to get my paypal account verified to order from them.
And if you're not verified, they wont ship to you.
So the questions are:
1. What's a good site to have stuff ordered on visa and shipped to canada (or even better, in canada?)
2. Is the Ultrafire C1 a decent light for what I'm looking for?
3. Should I build up my own? Get a body and upgrades?
Whew, that was a mouthful, sorry for the super long first post!
Thanks CPF