First timer got the Bug

Obi one

Newly Enlightened
Aug 4, 2010
Hi Everyone; guess I just caught the Flashaholic bug, lol anyways I'm a greenhorn so if anyone can steer me towards the right types of lights we'll get the show on the road....:candle:
Read , read , read some more
Only then the search function use you must

Sorry , help myself I could not :crackup:

:crackup::crackup: that was a good one:twothumbs

:welcome: obi one

search is your friend.... best to start by deciding what your use and needs are and then go from there.
You do need to see their beam shots....

These are the lights you are looking for....

Research along... Research along...


Welcome to the Bright side... (we have photons)

Welcome Obi one! For any type of light you'll get a half dozen or more suggestions. Try not to over-analyze it. Get the one that catches your eye. After all, you'll be buying another in a few weeks anyway.

Know the basics, that will get ya goin.

In very general terms:
LED = efficient durability
INCAN = best color reproduction

Decide what you need most and start there. And research TONS! It makes this whole more fun believe it or not...
Welcome! First, you need to narrow down what you want... Daily carry? Dog walking light? No private messaging yet, but I must ask: do you happen to live in eastern Pennsylvania?
:welcome: You will know what lights to buy, you will keep looking at the same picture and reading about it over and over again. After you buy it the process starts again with something different:whistle: repeat repeat.
Save yourself a LOT of money and pain and go straight to the high quality lights.

There's a saying that is so very true, "I can't afford to buy cheap".

And another, "Buy cheap, buy twice".

As has been stated, read, ask questions, figure out what you want out of several lights that you will own and get the best you can afford. Keep each purchase to a timely limit (don't order 5 lights in one day) and set a budget (eg. $100-200 per month) so you don't go causing trouble for yourself.

Welcome to the club!