Flashaholic Demographics

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Dec 16, 2007
Has anyone done any surveys or informal studies to determine the demographic of the CPF? You know: gender, age, ethnicity, occupation, income, education, hobbies, etc., of the average CPF'er. I have some guesses, but I just thought it was an interesting topic. I am into cycling and I get Bicycling Magazine, and once they did a survey and published the results, showing facts about the average subscriber, and I found it fascinating. I wondered if anything had ever been done like that here. :shrug::thinking:
I would imagine that the vast majority of CPF'ers would fall into just a few categories:

*Outdoor types. They are actually outside a lot, and actually experience something called "darkness", which occurs about 12 hours every day. City dwellers rarely see said "darkness" :thinking:

*Technical/Professional/Engineer types. Gadgets are cool, and any activity which promotes their use is A-Ok in their book.

*Armchair experts who just want to be "cool". What, a new bin came out last week with 0.2% more brightness? I gotta have it!!! WooHoo for brand ______, they are the only one you should buy!!!

*Young kids/adults with a passing obsession. Here today, gone tomorrow, but at least they won't stumble in the dark when they leave here.

*The clueless who have idea what's going on, and never will (don't worry, they don't know who they are). You know, the "What is a flashlight?" people. :candle: :shrug:

Of course there is also a certain amount of crossover, as one category can promote another. ie. loving flashlights can encourage gaining detailed knowledge of how they work, or loving gadgets can encourage the use of modern flashlights and modding them.
Speaking of...

I went over to my dad's last night and compared my new KD SSC AAA to his probably 10yr old 3D Maglite. He was blown away by the fact that this little AAA light was brighter than his large Mag. He said "Wow, technology has come a long way". He also said "If that thing can be that bright, imagine a well made light the size of the Maglite!". I told him he could turn his mag into a lightning bolt if he bought a Malkoff dropin and aspheric lense. He was interested until I told him the Malkoff costs $75. :sick2:
Has anyone done any surveys or informal studies to determine the demographic of the CPF? You know: gender, age, ethnicity, ...................

There have been efforts, but they end up closed down.... the same as this one.

Surveys of gender, age, ethnicity have some powerful negatives involved with making such a survey.
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