Flashlight Enthusiast
My wife had to work late last night, and just as my son and I were sitting down to dinner(around 6:30pm), my wife calls all panicked out. She is parked in a remote part of the parking lot where there is very little light, and her car won't start, and it's like 38 degrees outside. So, like the good flashaholic husband that I am, I pack my Novatac 120P, ML1, G2L with WolfEyes HO 190 lumen LED, and my U2 just for good measure. She also has an E1L in her purse. Well, anyway, I get there and she asks me if I brought a good flashlight with me. Can you just imagine?....The very nerve of her!!! Asking me....An incurable, die hard flashaholic if I brought a flashlight to a night time emergency situation!!!!! Well, I saved her anyway with a quick jump....Even though she had insulted me. The battery was dead, and I mean real dead. It wouldn't even take a charge. So, off to Sam's this morning for a new battery. But really!!!! Did you bring a good light with you???? 

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