Flashlight Decorated Christmass Tree?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
Naoussa Greece
well I got the idea from the National Flashlight Day youtude video...

Hasn't anyone decorated a christmass tree with running lights yet?

This can becoma a small project liek a tbletop tree decorated with fauxtons to a real pine with the best of your big lights....

PICS PICS anyone?
I hung a dead fauxton and a battery from my tree...

But mainly it was just to annoy the wife and poke fun at her excessive use of butterflies on the tree.
I'm going to stick some of the lighthound freebie lights on my tree without telling anybody and see if they notice.
How bout hanging something like this on the tree? These are different color Fauxtons I have gotten as freebies from Lighthound orders. In order starting top right....ultraviolet, red, yellow, blue, green, white, RBG alternating.

I haven't hung one from the tree, yet, but I probably will. I have used a JetBeam-CLE and my Rexlight, inserted and shining through a couple of those orange waterproof match holders, to give light to two decorative lanterns.

has anyone thought of modding a strand of AC powered LED lights by adding fauxton casings to each LED and hang them on the tree?

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