Newly Enlightened
I have been reading about thieves detecting laptops by detecting batteries. Does any one know about this? Because if they can detect a laptop battery they can detect a flashlight battery also. 
It's a myth that has been perpetuated for years. As with most urban legends/myths, it's complete BS.
TheInvader said:laptops only emit bluetooth (like for phones, the headset thing people wear on their ear).
bluetooth is emitted because the laptop is searching for a device to connect to.
flashlights don't emit anything except light lol.
Well, the thieves could theoretically wield a nonlinear junction detector ( But this detects semiconductors, not batteries. So, it's theoretically possible, but in practice, a simple crowbar and some profiling (business car yields business laptop) would be simpler. Also, with a crowbar you don't have to worry about loosing your eyesight due to the microwave radiation of the NLJD.
So yeah, like every myth it has a grain of truth - a theoretical possibility - but it's not detecting batteries and it's not practical.
Now thats BS times two. As NutSAK already said: only when it's on. And most people don't leave their laptop on in the car. Btw, no Bluetooth in suspend. Further, you'd actually have to active Bluetooth support.
And flashlights do emit other things than light - if they have any kind of regulator in them. I've just tested it - set my Akoray K-106 to blinking mode, and tuned my radio to about 260kHz (other frequencies might work even better. My laptop power supply totally swamps out radio reception at about 160kHz btw). And there you go, you can actually hear the flashlight blinking through the radio.
And of course if the flashlight has a regulator, you could also detect it with a NLJD. You could even detect the LED itself - after all it's also just a P-N Junction.
I am asking because sometimes I like to carry many for showing off. In order to detect regulator the flashlight has to be on,, Correct?:thinking:
Proper operation involves slowly brushing or sweeping the antenna over every surface in the suspect area. The procedure is very slow and time consuming, typically involving 2-5 minutes per square yard of surface area. A small 15 * 15 foot office will typically require four hours to sweep with such an instrument.
I am asking because sometimes I like to carry many for showing off. In order to detect regulator the flashlight has to be on,, Correct?:thinking:
But... we're not talking about robbers anymore, we're talking about obscure $15'800 counterintelligence equipment (
I am asking because sometimes I like to carry many for showing off. In order to detect regulator the flashlight has to be on,, Correct?:thinking:
Even a non-linear junction detector would redflag every car: all cars have computers and all computers have semi-conductors in them. Nope, I'm not sold to that Idea. Plus modern cars have computer chips all over now, so your laptop might be even more secure inside your car if that was the only thing you where trying to hide it from.