Great site...awesome to find out how much I don't know. Lots of questions, but a quick one to start:
My mom lives on a farm and really likes her Inova X5. But she told me today she would like something brighter and smaller. I would love to get her something for xmas that fits her description and wanted some recommendations form the experts.
So, smaller than the X5
Brighter than the X5
$50 range
What do you think?
Thanks in advance!
Great site...awesome to find out how much I don't know. Lots of questions, but a quick one to start:
My mom lives on a farm and really likes her Inova X5. But she told me today she would like something brighter and smaller. I would love to get her something for xmas that fits her description and wanted some recommendations form the experts.
So, smaller than the X5
Brighter than the X5
$50 range
What do you think?
Thanks in advance!