Flashlight Ghouls!! ~Pump House Style~


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 3, 2004
Boston, Massachusetts
Hey Now!

I believe I have a live flashlight Ghoul that lives in my house. From time to time, assorted torches will disappear....and reappear.. No.. no...no.. not in the truest visual sense but I had the below occur with my EDC E1B.. I will summerize to keep bordom to a minimum lol:

1) Lost my E1B for around 5-6 weeks
2) Sent all of my "work pants" to the cleaners
3) Wore mentioned work pants
4) When going thru the pockets to relaunder my pants... clipped to one of my pockets was my E1B!!!


Ok... my options of what happened are:

A) Someone in my house "borrowed" it and placed it back after some time (not likely)
B) I missed it.. Laundered it and missed it when I wore my pants again (not likely)
C) Devine intervention (not likely.. but...???)

Please share your opinions as to what you think could have happened.. Extra points will be awarded for creativity!! :lolsign:
A) This was all a dream and was a flashlight nightmare and you woke up. :)
B) This was an identical pair of pants and you thought it was the same ones.
C) You have too many flashlights, that and the pumphouse make you crazy! Lol
Once a flashlight is elevated to EDC status it starts to enter a symbiotic relationship with its owner. It starts as a parasite/host communion then develops further into something that becomes an actual part of your being. The final product of this relationship is quite cybernetic in that there is no clear line between user and flashlight. Unfortunately the final stage of this progession to true union between man and flashlight won't truely happen yet as the technology hasn't been fully developed, but we are at the point where the flashlight does acquire enough sentience from it's host, via neural networking, and some self propelled mobility by a yet to be fully explained ability to manipulate the time-space continuum for it to replace itself at the point of nexus (your pants pocket).

In short, you and the light became separated and it found its way back home in that pocket to wait for you to put those pants back on so that it could further burrow itself into your being and become one with you.
There is no way to keep track of all of my flashlights. I'm lucky if I can figure out which one is missing and not just hiding out somewhere.
I like where your going with this! It blurs the line between the physical and mental beings spirit... making both one in of the same..


Once a flashlight is elevated to EDC status it starts to enter a symbiotic relationship with its owner. It starts as a parasite/host communion then develops further into something that becomes an actual part of your being. The final product of this relationship is quite cybernetic in that there is no clear line between user and flashlight. Unfortunately the final stage of this progession to true union between man and flashlight won't truely happen yet as the technology hasn't been fully developed, but we are at the point where the flashlight does acquire enough sentience from it's host, via neural networking, and some self propelled mobility by a yet to be fully explained ability to manipulate the time-space continuum for it to replace itself at the point of nexus (your pants pocket).

In short, you and the light became separated and it found its way back home in that pocket to wait for you to put those pants back on so that it could further burrow itself into your being and become one with you.
It's funny... I told Sixpointone that I lost the E1B and he said "it'll turn up.. it always does". I figured it has fallen into one or two places. I searched like CRAZY and it wasn't anywhere to be ound.

I had lost hope....

Then.. it was there... Sixpointone was correct!!

Funny stuff aside.. It is a tad bit odd... at the least :)

There is no way to keep track of all of my flashlights. I'm lucky if I can figure out which one is missing and not just hiding out somewhere.
You're traveling through another dimension...A dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead...your next stop...the Twilight Zone!
