Flashlight season is back-last time?

uh no

I think with all of the hydroelectric dams running out of water to run them, the rapid elimination of fossil fuel power plants from the power grid, and the forced adoption of everything electric (cars, yard equipment, stoves, generators, etc.) before the grid can handle it, I'd say next year starts flashlight season year round due to rolling blackouts. You aren't going to miss one hour of flashlight time.
Not quite as enthused about it this time as I have been in the past, I've got to admit. Probably mental state has something to do with that.
I think if I had money to spend on lights and batteries instead of food and gas, didn't have health issues that prevent me from solo hiking in the dark, and had somewhere to go for fun that wasn't dealing with war, crime, or other chaos, I'd be more excited about time to play with my lights too. Let's hope and pray for things to improve next year so we can focus less on survival and more on fun.
@H.o.F. yeah, that's probably a big part of it. I haven't wanted to go out anywhere either for a long time. I hate even going to the grocery store now. Been eating too much pizza delivery lately!
it's probably not going to happen this time with this bill, but i hope it eventually does.
Sunshine Protection Act in action
I think with all of the hydroelectric dams running out of water to run them, the rapid elimination of fossil fuel power plants from the power grid, and the forced adoption of everything electric (cars, yard equipment, stoves, generators, etc.) before the grid can handle it, I'd say next year starts flashlight season year round due to rolling blackouts. You aren't going to miss one hour of flashlight time.
I have tried before to justify a lot of the money I have spent on flashlights/area lights due to "Prepping" in these uncertain times…but truthfully it's a rationalization joke lol, a TINY fraction of what I have spent could have been spent for "Budget light preps."

#2 does it really matter if you starve to death in poor lighting vs starving to death in light?? Hands down the most important 3 preps are FOOD, FOOD, and FOOD.
I think with all of the hydroelectric dams running out of water to run them, the rapid elimination of fossil fuel power plants from the power grid, and the forced adoption of everything electric (cars, yard equipment, stoves, generators, etc.) before the grid can handle it, I'd say next year starts flashlight season year round due to rolling blackouts. You aren't going to miss one hour of flashlight time.
I have tried to before to justify a lot of the money I have spent on flashlights/area lights due to "Prepping" in these uncertain times…but truthfully it's a rationalization joke lol, a TINY fraction of what I have spent could have been spent for "Budget light preps."

#2 does it really matter if you starve to death in poor lighting vs starving to death in light?? Hands down the most important 3 preps are FOOD, FOOD, and FOOD. And unfortunately food is the most difficult/expensive prep. OMG I would have to be a millionaire to have an entire room full of freeze dried food that stuff is insanely expensive. But looking back, I would have been better off over the years if 100% of every prep that I ever bought would have instead gone to freeze dried food (30 year shelf life).
The abolition of daylight savings (I.e. the return to permanent "wintertime", or standard time) was already agreed upon in the EU in 2019 & was supposed to happen in 2021. No changes so far though. Now they say 2026. Personally I cant wait.
#2 does it really matter if you starve to death in poor lighting vs starving to death in light?? Hands down the most important 3 preps are FOOD, FOOD, and FOOD.
That's a horrible way to think about lighting as a prep. Any prep or tool is only as good as how you use it. Lighting allowed for the industrial revolution to take place. Without the ability of people to work after dark, they were limited to working only daytime hours, working less and providing less money and food for their families. If you use your lights to grow and maintain a garden (working after you get off a job) or for a nighttime shift for a job, your light is helping provide food for your family. If things get bad and society crumbles, and people start breaking into homes for food and supplies, a flashlight can help you secure your property from people trying to take your food or hurt you and your family. Don't discount the value of a flashlight when times get tough.
Provided you have a way of charging it. But on the subject on civilization (& also back to time), as a watchmaker I have to jump in here & mention how critical clocks were to build modern society. Without standardized time zones & without clocks in cities and peoples homes a connected, modern, industrial society would be almost impossible. Much less a globalized one.
That's a horrible way to think about lighting as a prep. Any prep or tool is only as good as how you use it. Lighting allowed for the industrial revolution to take place. Without the ability of people to work after dark, they were limited to working only daytime hours, working less and providing less money and food for their families. If you use your lights to grow and maintain a garden (working after you get off a job) or for a nighttime shift for a job, your light is helping provide food for your family. If things get bad and society crumbles, and people start breaking into homes for food and supplies, a flashlight can help you secure your property from people trying to take your food or hurt you and your family. Don't discount the value of a flashlight when times get tough.
It depends who you are talking about. If we're talking about me yes it's a horrible waste of prepping funds, I could have had prepping lights easily covered for less than 10% of the money that I have spent on premium flashlights. I mean this is also just fun SHTF talk too, there are 1000 ways that I spend my money foolishly instead of wisely prepping with it lol.

Oh I most definitely wouldn't call using light to grow food poor prep funds management. Or a more public lighting project to work at night. But my $500 LEP "Fun" light is pretty absurd instead of buying more food lol.
Im not having the government steal an hour from me permanently. Just not having it. Wintertime is standard time & used to be the standard everywhere before DST, which was a wartime & energy saving measure in times of crisis that is no longer relevant in modern days. It should have been abolished decades ago, or rather never permanently adopted to beginn with.
It's a good example of bureaucratic inertia. There's a thing; everyone hates it; there's no majority consensus on which way to change it; those in charge do nothing since that's the path of least resistance; status quo wins again!!