Time change-Fall back- flashoholic season returns


It is __________🌓

Yes, flashlights are the main thing that makes the time change better for me. Other than that I hope we eliminate this time change soon!
We have one of those self-setting "atomic" clocks, the kind that has a radio receiver tuned to the government's atomic clock signal from WWVB in Boulder, Colorado. It's a mess. Twice a year it goes bonkers and can take days to recover because the radio signal is so weak here. Meanwhile, GPS-controlled clocks like the ones on cell phones tend to work perfectly. I wish there was a cheap GPS retrofit for our wall clock.
Oh man, yeah, that sounds annoying. I think we're down to only having a few clocks we need to manually change at this point. My car even seems to update the time based on my phone which is handy.
This map leaves out Metlakatla, Alaska where they think it's stupid. This is also one of the only subjects that North Korea has ever been right about.
i kinda prefere the morning to play anways. drunk drivers are still at home and its still dark woke up this am was confused for a bit lol
For the first time in a decade, my relief (yes, the very same elderly Security officer all these years) screwed up! Forgot to set his clock back an hour. He arrived to relieve me at 6am, thinking it was 7am. I was horribly exhausted when he showed up. Quite frankly, glad I didn't have to do that forced hour of O.T. He can have it if he wants to. But most likely he'll end up giving me that hour considering everything I do at work, so that his shift always flows a bit easier.

I like that this ridiculous nonsense originally created to save money on candles back during Colonial America days, is over yet again. Respect to Hawaii and Arizona for refusing to play along with the rest of the country, regarding Everyone play pretend!

So, how much money did you guys save on candles this year by getting that "extra" hour of daylight at the end of your day? (Maybe I should post this over on the Candle Forums website.)
I spent extra money to get an Atomic watch so I didn't have to worry about setting it, and I could count on it always being correct. Usually that's the way it works out. Not this time. This time, my solar powered watch battery died during the night, so it didn't reset when it was supposed to, and by the time I got it recharged, it was past the preprogrammed time for it to listen to the radio signal to update. So, all day my watch was wrong. I just looked at it now, and surprise! it has updated, and it now agrees with the time on my PC. Now, will the battery charge last until the morning...

I am going back to an automatic watch. I've had it with this overpriced Casio and battery powered watches. Besides, I have an Atomic clock that works, and I can set my watch by it, or the PC. Adios, Casio.
Ehhhh, I could stand waiting the extra hour to play with the flashlights. I hate when it starts getting dark at 5PM. I like being out in my garden at 9:30 and still seeing a little bit of twilight across the river.

When I do the re-set, with my digital clocks anyway, I carry my cellphone around and start the clock exactly when the phone changes to the next minute. That way they're all correct and synchronized.
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Ehhhh, I could stand waiting the extra hour to play with the flashlights. I hate when it starts getting dark at 5PM. I like being out in my garden at 9:30 and still seeing a little bit of twilight across the river.

When I do the re-set, with my digital clocks anyway, I carry my cellphone around and start the clock exactly when the phone changes to the next minute. That way they're all correct and synchronized.

Me too. 😁 I can't abide having all the clocks not showing the same time. It reminds me of the Beatle's song -

My state overwhelmingly voted to scrap DST in 2018...but here we are, still playing the stupid game. I'd rather have the light at the end of the day when it can be used for my leisure rather than work-related things. I have a USB-powered sunrise clock to wake me up in the morning.

We have one of those self-setting "atomic" clocks, the kind that has a radio receiver tuned to the government's atomic clock signal from WWVB in Boulder, Colorado. It's a mess. Twice a year it goes bonkers and can take days to recover because the radio signal is so weak here. Meanwhile, GPS-controlled clocks like the ones on cell phones tend to work perfectly. I wish there was a cheap GPS retrofit for our wall clock.
How far from the clock are you? At my temporary condo, everything WWV/WWVB here switched over nicely. At my old concrete bunker they did as well thanks to Colorado being in the same direction as most of my windows.
My state overwhelmingly voted to scrap DST in 2018...but here we are, still playing the stupid game. I'd rather have the light at the end of the day when it can be used for my leisure rather than work-related things. I have a USB-powered sunrise clock to wake me up in the morning.
Any state that wants to can avoid changing clocks twice a year right now by sticking to standard time. It makes more sense anyway since standard time means noon is usually when the sun is highest in the sky. If people want more daylight hours after work then just start the day earlier, without forcing the rest of us to get up an hour earlier.

Or better yet move to 3 or 4 day work weeks. Then you have one or two more entire days off, including the daylight portion, for leisure activities. On the days you do work, since they would be longer days, it won't much matter what time the sun goes down. The day is pretty much shot if you're working 10 or 12 hours.

DST never made much sense to me. If anything, you would want to move the clocks ahead in the winter when it's getting dark too early, not in the summer when you would have daylight until past 8PM, even without DST.
DST never made much sense to me. If anything, you would want to move the clocks ahead in the winter when it's getting dark too early, not in the summer when you would have daylight until past 8PM, even without DST.
Apparently, back during Colonial days, candles were very expensive. To the point everyone was told to believe it was 1 hour ahead of Standard time for much of the year.

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