Flashlight that stands on its end


Newly Enlightened
Mar 30, 2007
I searched the forum for info on this, but didn't have any luck.

Here's my question: does anyone know of a decent, cheap LED flashlight that can stand on its back end while in operation? Kind of like a MiniMag in candle mode.

We had a power outage last night, and although our flashlights (we only broke out the Opalec-modded MiniMag and a Coleman LED cranklight, since we didn't need anything more) worked well, neither one could stand on its end to free up our hands.

What I'm shooting for here is something that is at least as bright as a MiniMag, can stand up and splash off the ceiling, and is <$20 with shipping. Any suggestions?

We do have a spare unmodded MiniMag around (still in its package...just haven't needed it), so I suppose I could just use that in candle mode, but I'm hoping for an LED solution here. :)
For around 15 dollars you could get a Fenix E01, which puts out about 10 lumens (more than a minimag) and tailstands, and it runs for hours and hours on a AAA battery.
Those are some excellent suggestions, thank you.

I didn't think of searching "tailstand" or "ceiling bounce". I'll check that out.

I've got a headlamp...around here somewhere. Not sure where I put it. It's not quite what I'm looking for, though. I'd like something I can give to my non-flashoholic wife that she can take to the bathroom in the dark. I think she'd balk at a headlamp, but she didn't mind a MiniMag.

How bright is the Pak-Lite basic? I couldn't find any beamshot comparisons.

That little Cree looks like a fine deal, but I'm looking for something with more runtime than brightness ATM. I'd like something I can leave on for an hour while we eat and not feel too bad about.
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If you're considering the Pak-Lite, go for the "super" version. It's much brighter. A glow top one is nice. I have a Super with a glow top and it's the light I use for midnight trips to the bathroom.
I would get a Fenix (anything but their AAA lights) along with a white diffuser tip to put on it.

Which is to say, I did do that.
The Home Depot Husky 2d cree light stands on end and will easily light up a 400 Square foot room. I paid $25 for mine.