Out at a baseball game with my 7 year old son and his friend. His friend ate a handful of Sunflower seeds, then started coughing. He was turning red, would drink some water, get his color back a bit, but kept on with the nasty painful cough. He kept crying and would go back to tightening up and getting very red. He kept trying to spit, but we could see anything and didn't know if he breathed something in or scrathced his throat or something. I pulled out my Nitecore DI, we looked in the back of his throat and clearly saw a busted Sunflower seed turned sideways lodged in the back of his throat. I told him to stick his finger in as far as he could and push it. He did, immediately threw up, it came out and he instantly felt better. Neither he nor his father will ever say anything about my flashlight collection. :thumbsup: