flashlights comes in handy


Dec 31, 2005
Kingwood, TX
Out at a baseball game with my 7 year old son and his friend. His friend ate a handful of Sunflower seeds, then started coughing. He was turning red, would drink some water, get his color back a bit, but kept on with the nasty painful cough. He kept crying and would go back to tightening up and getting very red. He kept trying to spit, but we could see anything and didn't know if he breathed something in or scrathced his throat or something. I pulled out my Nitecore DI, we looked in the back of his throat and clearly saw a busted Sunflower seed turned sideways lodged in the back of his throat. I told him to stick his finger in as far as he could and push it. He did, immediately threw up, it came out and he instantly felt better. Neither he nor his father will ever say anything about my flashlight collection. :thumbsup:
And I thought getting those seeds stuck in your teeth was bad. There have been many times when my lights have come in handy too.

pushing the finger in your throat to throw up if your "patient" is choking/coughing up is generally not recommended, according to medical standards in Sweden.
Choking and coughing people exhale and inhale often very deeply by reflex without the possibility to suppress , simultaneous provocated vomiting can lead to aspiration (inhalation of digestet food, gastic acid...) which makes the situation a lot more worse and can cause severe pneumonia.

Take this as a general advice, not as negative critic. I don't exactly know what the situation was like and where the bit was located exactly. Just be careful and hav in mind that vomiting kan worsen the situation rapidly.

Greetings and congratulations to your first aid!
my lights come in useful when people drop stuff in the dark.

on a side note, i had to induce vomitting this past weekend when i was snowboarding. i must have ate something bad prior to snowboarding and so on the third lift ride up the hill i was nauscious and had mad sinus pressure. once off the lift, went behind a billboard and stuck my finger up my throat... all that i drank and ate an hour prior came out after a few convulsions... rested in the shade for 10 minutes until my friend came back up on the lift (i had told him to go ahead and carve and come back up to get me) and felt way better. Ate some lunch and replenish myself and was okay the rest of the day. if i hadn't induced the vomitting, i'd probably would have puked on the way down the hill or on one of the lifts back up the hills.
What used to be recommended was a finger sweep of the mouth and maybe a little way into the throat. Induced vomiting (intentional or not) can be a real problem. Giving fluids is not a good idea. Aspiration is even worse than choking.

Hey, for those better trained and more up to date, what's the best way to deal with this? Simply waiting a few minutes for him to relax and then cough it out?

Anywho, another good reason to always have a light even in daylight. Ain't it great when things work out right! Good job.
Guys, I'm not a doctor and every situation is different. We saw the seed wedged in there, I told him to stick his finger in there and move it. He was not getting enough oxygen, was in pain and tightening up. I don't care what Medical Journal says we shouldn't make him vomit, but that's what fixed him in this case in 10 seconds, once we saw the seed.
Guys, I'm not a doctor and every situation is different. We saw the seed wedged in there, I told him to stick his finger in there and move it. He was not getting enough oxygen, was in pain and tightening up. I don't care what Medical Journal says we shouldn't make him vomit, but that's what fixed him in this case in 10 seconds, once we saw the seed.

+1. I once saw my dad whacking a lock with a hammer because it was jammed.

me "won't that break the lock?"
him: "it might"
me: "so why are you doing it?"
him: "got a better idea?"

sometimes it's just a case of taking action; even if it's not perfect, if you haven't got a better idea and something needs to be done, then it's best to just do it and live with the decision, rather than umming and ahhing until there are more serious problems.

Good work :twothumbs
It isn't really the nature of folks on this site to criticize what was a quick and successful move on your part -- sorry if you got that opinion. Rather most people here (well, me anyway) want to know what the best thing to do in that position would be. This community likes to learn.