FM 8aa 2d flasher!!!


Dec 13, 2006
What can I do with my FM 2d to 8aa flashlight?

It's running 8aa eneloops and is flashing a WA1164? I thought this was a direct drive setup? i was using some cheap 800mah nicad batterys and it never flashed a bulb? but now i wanted better runtime i went for eneloops...
I am not interested in resting batteries as I use all my lights and want them to work straight off the charger.

I have tried it with a hot driver but it shuts down after about 5 min or runtime as the voltage isn't different enough?

Any ideas?
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Re: FM 6aa 2d flasher!!!

What can I do with my FM 2d to 6aa flashlight?

It's running 6aa eneloops and is flashing a WA1164? I thought this was a direct drive setup? i was using some cheap 800mah nicad batterys and it never flashed a bulb? but now i wanted better runtime i went for eneloops...
I am not interested in resting batteries as I use all my lights and want them to work straight off the charger.

I have tried it with a hot driver but it shuts down after about 5 min or runtime as the voltage isn't different enough?

Any ideas?

Is that a 6s1p setup? Why not run the WA1111 direct drive? Just about the same spec. Just a little more rebust. If you are running a Kiu socket, you may need to ad a NTC to take out that surge when cold. There is alot of info on NTC and how cheap and easy it soft starts without the need for expensive, hard to find driver.

CHeck out a thread by NorthernLights and Jimjones3630 on their use of a NTC and a 5761 bulb.
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Re: FM 6aa 2d flasher!!!

For longer run time and more reliability, use WA1274 direct drive.
Less brightness but no instaflash reported hot off the charger.
Re: FM 6aa 2d flasher!!!


sorry to head about your 1164. Odd according to Hotrater 1164 at 7.2v is over 12% from melting point. I ran 1164 with 8 cells and one dummy in FM's 9AA/3D carrier without problem.

As FM suggested 1274 is barely overdriven at 7.4v

Re: FM 6aa 2d flasher!!!

Is that a 6s1p setup? Why not run the WA1111 direct drive? Just about the same spec. Just a little more rebust. If you are running a Kiu socket, you may need to ad a NTC to take out that surge when cold. There is alot of info on NTC and how cheap and easy it soft starts without the need for expensive, hard to find driver.

CHeck out a thread by NorthernLights and Jimjones3630 on their use of a NTC and a 5761 bulb.

i saw the NTC thread and it looked good! i tried to buy one in england and they wanted £15 ($30) to post one too me!?!? it would cost less than $1 including the envelope!

anyone got any ideas, i could find nothing in england...

could anyone sell me one or two without me having to sell my house (cheap house)!;)
Re: FM 6aa 2d flasher!!!


sorry to head about your 1164. Odd according to Hotrater 1164 at 7.2v is over 12% from melting point. I ran 1164 with 8 cells and one dummy in FM's 9AA/3D carrier without problem.

As FM suggested 1274 is barely overdriven at 7.4v


my fault! i am running a 8aa in a 2d!!!:sssh: i was thinking for my 6aa 2d.

jim, when you said 7.2 volt that made me think! mines showing 10.55v

and thats not even hot off the charger.

it must off been the crap batterys that keep it going that long.

can a 1164 not run with 8aa's (eneloops) off the charger then?

sorry for the wrong info!

i have changed the title of the thread now so everyone is singing off the same sheet!:oops:
My 2D Mag is running 8aa Eneloops and an 1164 and I've never flashed a bulb.
I have a Kiu socket and all the resistance fixes on my light.
I've used it hot off the charger when the pack reads 11v unloaded.

If you use the 1274 as suggested, run it on 7aa and a dummy cell. I've flashed a couple 1274's on 8 cells.
With 7 cells and one dummy my other favorite is the 5761. 7.1vbulb = 1351bulb lumen, brighter than 1185, super circular white white bream. Draws about 5.5A so about 30min run time with those enloops.
