OK, I just gave the 6 cell MagnumStar II bulb a quick test in a 2D ROP low with FM OP reflector and 2 3xAA serial battery holders.
I removed the ROP low bulb and installed the 6 cell Mag bulb, but kept the camless aluminum reflector. Nice and bright (although much less than the WA1111 in my other 2D), definitely something I could use whereas a stock 2D incandescent was not.
The camless aluminum reflector works by moving the head in and out on the threads, and I was not able to reach focus without unscrewing the head enough to expose the O-ring. Replacing the camless aluminum reflector with the stock plastic cammed reflector gave a nice sharp focus and usual "zoom" operation.
So... other than the bulb, the only changes relative to stock were the battery holders and AA Eneloop NiMH cells. Here are the holders I used - a buck a piece (CDN) in a bag of 10:
I had what I believe to be a stock MagCharger bulb sitting around so tried inserting that into the bi-pin socket that came with the 6 cell MagnumStar II, but the pins were too wide to go into the holes. It might have been a WA1160 but I don't think so.
My guess is that the 5 cell (as
@knucklegary suggested) would be even better than the 6 cell bulb, albeit with a shorter life, but I don't have any to test with.
You could get started with alkaline AA's but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a bunch of them sitting around already. I remember reading somewhere that the 6 cell Maglite bulb draws 800-900 mA, which is high enough that you're going to get less than half of the normal capacity of the cell (where "normal" implies 100mA load current or less).
(note that you will probably get more than half of the AH but less than half of the useful WH because the voltage drops more as well)
EDIT - removed comment about AA eneloops possibly delivering higher voltage and hence more output than D alkalines... doesn't seem to be supported by available information.
I was sufficiently happy with the 6-cell-bulb-in-a-2-cell setup that I moved it over to my 2C Maglite, with a couple of 18500 AW Li-ion cells providing the power... so I guess you can conclude I think this is a decent setup. I guess I might have to go looking for 5 cell bulbs after all.