Focusing/targeting plausability...?


Feb 14, 2007
Throwing safety out the window (or, if you want, we can assume everyone has the proper protective goggles for this) would it be possible to use a low-powered red diode (like 5-20mw) to set up targeting for a high-pwoered (1+ watt) IR laser? coudl you keep both focused to the same point or as you focus one would the other lose focus (using two connected lenses is an option here)

For the record, red laser is PURELY for targeting, if the longest feasable focalpoint of the IR is withint he range of a 5mw red pointer diode, then that would be used to avoid the need for special IR/red goggles.

While on the subject, how would such a targeting mechanism be achieved? a 1/2 mirror with IR at the 90* angle and red passing through the mirror directly? (I assume this owuld give the IR full (or very clsoe to full) power and the red would be the one who's power is diminished)