Flashlight Enthusiast
This thread is dedicated to food and drink surprises you've experienced.
To be clear, I'm referring to finding stuff in your food or drinks.
I'm currently in Durango, Colorado and for the second time the Coca~Cola from the vending machine has Dr. Pepper in it.
I bought an extra one to send home so my brother can confirm.
It's a Coke can but has Dr. Pepper in it!
About 10 years ago, when I used to drink alcohol a bottle of Bud Light had water in it!
My girlfriend at the time tasted it and confirmed. We poured it into a glass and sure enough it was clear.
I made a call to the factory and they sent me a kit to pour the remaining contents into and also a place for the bottle.
They gave me a voucher for a free case of bud product!
Back when I was in my teens there was a restaurant that was the only one open in our town 24 hours.
Almost everytime I'd order food, there would be hair or fingernails in it! F-in NASTY!!
What are your stories?
To be clear, I'm referring to finding stuff in your food or drinks.
I'm currently in Durango, Colorado and for the second time the Coca~Cola from the vending machine has Dr. Pepper in it.
I bought an extra one to send home so my brother can confirm.
It's a Coke can but has Dr. Pepper in it!
About 10 years ago, when I used to drink alcohol a bottle of Bud Light had water in it!
My girlfriend at the time tasted it and confirmed. We poured it into a glass and sure enough it was clear.
I made a call to the factory and they sent me a kit to pour the remaining contents into and also a place for the bottle.
They gave me a voucher for a free case of bud product!
Back when I was in my teens there was a restaurant that was the only one open in our town 24 hours.
Almost everytime I'd order food, there would be hair or fingernails in it! F-in NASTY!!
What are your stories?