Food & Drink Surprises...Your Stories


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 10, 2007
This thread is dedicated to food and drink surprises you've experienced.
To be clear, I'm referring to finding stuff in your food or drinks.

I'm currently in Durango, Colorado and for the second time the Coca~Cola from the vending machine has Dr. Pepper in it.
I bought an extra one to send home so my brother can confirm.
It's a Coke can but has Dr. Pepper in it!

About 10 years ago, when I used to drink alcohol a bottle of Bud Light had water in it!
My girlfriend at the time tasted it and confirmed. We poured it into a glass and sure enough it was clear.
I made a call to the factory and they sent me a kit to pour the remaining contents into and also a place for the bottle.
They gave me a voucher for a free case of bud product!

Back when I was in my teens there was a restaurant that was the only one open in our town 24 hours.
Almost everytime I'd order food, there would be hair or fingernails in it! F-in NASTY!!

What are your stories?
Found a wad of beige tape under the cheese of my Red Baron frozen pizza once. Bit into it after heating it up in my toaster oven. Not happy.

Never buying their pizza ever again since their Q.C. is $#!%.
A few years ago I was having dinner with a couple of friends in a beer-garden and in my coleslaw I found a nut.
Now I'm not talking nut as in peanut but nut as in nut and bolt, complete with lots of grease.

Must've come from a well "oiled" machine :D
Just recently my wife got a long hair in some french fries at a local restaurant. We were using a 2 for 1 coupon that they agreed to honor without the coupon, I guess hoping we'd be back with the coupon again. I'd go back, but I doubt I'll convince my wife any time soon.

A few years ago I was having dinner with a couple of friends in a beer-garden and in my coleslaw I found a nut.
Now I'm not talking nut as in peanut but nut as in nut and bolt, complete with lots of grease.

Must've come from a well "oiled" machine :D

That's nuts! Lucky you noticed it before taking a bite.

It was in the UK news last week that someone had found a dead rat in a loaf of supermarket bread. Not the first time I've seen that particular headline. I bet it's actually quite common...

I brought a bottle of 'mineral water' from a rural village shop once. They only had one type on offer. I'd never heard of the brand before and they wanted £1.50 for it, probably the equivalent to nearly $3 back then. I had no choice so I brought it - Upon taking a sip I quickly spat it back out and was left with an after taste of musty old clothes. I looked on the bottle and noticed it was made by the coca-cola company. Anyway about a week later I saw in the newspaper that coca-cola had been force to stop selling their new mineral water product because it turned out it was just tap water :laughing: I dread to think what tap they had been filling it up from.
At KFC, ordered from the drive-thru and found the wrapper from a straw balled up inside my potato wedges.

The the best I got lol.
Had a dead fly floating in my draft beer at a restaurant about a year or so back, how the waitress didn't see that is beyond me. :confused:
About 10 years ago, when I used to drink alcohol a bottle of Bud Light had water in it!
My girlfriend at the time tasted it and confirmed. We poured it into a glass and sure enough it was clear.
I made a call to the factory and they sent me a kit to pour the remaining contents into and also a place for the bottle.
They gave me a voucher for a free case of bud product!

Nope, that's how Bud normally tastes.....

A few years back I found a little piece of tubing about the size of a one inch long vacuum hose in a Marie Calendar's Spaghetti Dinner. Figured a piece of machinery fouled at the factory. Removed but it was sticky. Put it in a small container filled with water and thought about sending it back. The next day it was light gray. I realized it was part of an artery from a cow.

Never sent it back. Never bought a Marie Calendar dinner again. However, I have bought the RazzleBerry pie. Good stuff. No cow innards.
A few years back I found a little piece of tubing about the size of a one inch long vacuum hose in a Marie Calendar's Spaghetti Dinner. Figured a piece of machinery fouled at the factory. Removed but it was sticky. Put it in a small container filled with water and thought about sending it back. The next day it was light gray. I realized it was part of an artery from a cow.

Never sent it back. Never bought a Marie Calendar dinner again. However, I have bought the RazzleBerry pie. Good stuff. No cow innards.


And I thought my "Tale of the Tape" was bad.
A few years back I found a little piece of tubing about the size of a one inch long vacuum hose in a Marie Calendar's Spaghetti Dinner. Figured a piece of machinery fouled at the factory. Removed but it was sticky. Put it in a small container filled with water and thought about sending it back. The next day it was light gray. I realized it was part of an artery from a cow.

that gave me a shudder... gross! :sick2:
At least it was natural. You COULD have eaten it safely. ;)

BTW, Ms. Calendar's pot pies are pretty tasty. :huh:
Monocrom -

I think nbp may have a point.

Safe, yes. Just gross. Reeeeally gross, csshih.

I miss the pot pies in the winter, nbp.
I'd still rather get Pizza with tape.

Boston Market makes some nice chicken pot pies. Must admit, never found anything out of place in one of those.
You should see some of the things we find in the food before we send it to your table.

Last week I opened a case of IQF (frozen) cranberries and found a yellow jacket. That bag was sent back to the distributor. Over Labor Day weekend I had a guest chip a tooth on a potato. Somehow the potato grew around a rock. Nuts, bolts, metal shavings, wads of plastic...all show up once in a while. We usually catch that stuff.

On the flip side there are customers who bring foreign objects into the dining room and claim they came from the food. I had someone order a sandwich only to send it back claiming there was a bread tie in it. Her bread tie was huge and green. All of my bread at that time came in bags with small blue ties. The kicker was I MADE THE SANDWICH and knew damn well that tie didn't come from my kitchen.

Or the dirty hippy with long blonde hair who claimed we got hair in his pizza. The hairs were long and blonde. He claimed it must have come from a cook. At that place all of my cooks were mexicans with shaved heads. The server was african american with a weave.

Then there is the pissed off cooks. The movie Waiting does a good job showing the stuff that happens when cooks get angry and cross the line. I once worked at a place where a cook put a used rubber glove in a ciabatta sandwich. The Health Department was in the next day and she was out of a job shortly after.
A nice, big, hairy spider in a pot of yoghurt. It was near the bottom, so I only noticed when I pulled it out on the spoon :green: Good thing I was looking...

I had multipack of crisps with one pack that was completely empty. I'm not sure if that counts...

The most disgusting one was some creme brulee I was served in Spain. I saw a hair poking out of the side of it, which was pretty nasty. I then realised it was actually several hairs. Several hairs attached to a thick clump of scabby skin. Sitting right there on the side of the dessert. I quickly had the waiter send it back to the kitchen, and the same dish came back a couple of minutes later having had the offending article scooped out with a spoon. No thanks! :green:

The most dangerous one was finding broken glass in a bowl of soup in a restaurant. The pieces were sharp, and just small enough that you might not have noticed before swallowing then and turning your insides to ribbons.
I like to eat at some of the grungiest looking places and I still haven't found anything in my food...
No "yuk" to this story;-
When I was working I traveled a lot visiting various mining sites and processing plants; I spent a lot of time in motels and always had a housekeeping unit where I could keep drinks cold as well as food stuffs my wife brought with us.
One constant in the fridge was orange juice (as well as beer) since I enjoyed it in the morning and at night. One day my wife could not find any orange juice so she subbed it with grapefruit which she knew I also liked.
Now picture this, man stumbles to fridge in the middle of the night and reaches in to have a glass of OJ,-he pours it down his throat and brain screams, what the hell is that; certainly not what was on the menu.
Wasn't bad after I got over the initial shock
I have found a straw in a bottle of coke.
In a bag of Nacho Chips. there was a clump of seasoning the size of an apple.
The worst is a story.

When we first got married, my wife worked with a bunch of girls, mostly Chinese. Nothing wrong with that, however they invited us to authentic Dim Sum.
Now, I am a meat & potatoes guy. Full Stop.
So we get to this restaurant, on the second floor of the building, There is a long hall that we are waiting in line. At the end of the hall is the kitchen.
From that door, escapes a CAT followed closely by a fellow in a white apron with a white tube shaped hat.
He catches the cat near us & heads back into the kitchen.
That cat was there for one of two reasons.
1- To cat the mice/rats in the kitchen = FAIL
2 - It was lunch = FAIL

I sat through lunch and only had COKE.
This was in Canada.
Sort of related to this topic. A number of years ago I went into one of the big local grocery stores. Was heading down the main aisle toward the back of the store when a large rat scurried across the aisle and under the bread racks. Probably a very happy and well fed rat it was.

This is no doubt a much more common problem than we'd like to think.


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