Re: For Sale Ti 27PD-S or Ti PD-S
I have noticed a few ti and tiPD's reaching the market.
Whom ever is lucky enough to get these is a very fortunate person.
I remember a time when these were impossible to get.
In fact you were lucky to be able to buy one no matter how much dough you had.
A couple of guys turned these around right after buying them at a very significant profit (I am talking about 4 digit numbers here). At these prices they represent a great value.
Somebody asked about blemishes.These are tool grade semi custom flashlights. All of these lights came from Don in less than absolutely perfect.
The amount of time required to make these perfect would easily triple the cost of this light. Polishing every little machine mark and ding would take hours. Way more time than Don takes to build a light...WAY MORE. These lights are meant to be used and require breaking in. The point is they do not need to be perfect since they should end up on a tool belt destined for the job site. They are just about the most durable flashlight in the WORLD!!. Titanium is extremely durable and resistant to most elements.
If you plan to store these on a shelf....Well you would not be doing these tools justice. If I were going to display mine in this manner I would definatly have them polished to a high sheen. Titanium looks beauTIfil
when polished. If you REALLY REALLY want to make these into shiny perfect lights you will have to invest some serious time or money sanding and polishing these. A polishing shop can do it much more quickly than a flashlight geek can at home unless they have the proper equipment.
The Idea that I could buy one today and have a choice of heads? WOW. I have my set, One of each of these and a T. I know for an absolutely fact that these flashlights will out last me and my kids and their kids with ease.
Do us all a favor.If you are on the fence.. Just do it. Having these hanging out like nectar to a bee is a terrible thing to do to those of us who have caught the titanium disease... Please just do it.
Sorry this turned into a rant. This is a great flash light. Please buy it. It is a terrible temptation . Not just for me either. I feel like I need to get to a Flashlights anonomous Meeting..