Forever lantern


Newly Enlightened
Dec 24, 2007
4Sevens and Zebralight has lights than glow for a LONG time. are there any compact lanterns that can glow for a long time. possible ideas that i have

Solarforce w/. "brown" emmiter and 18650 body with lantern attachment
Quark (any 2xCell) with prism kit
Essential Gear Grenade lantern

what i care about:
compact and made of metal
less than $75
uses "small" batteries; no D cells

thanks guys
PALight/Safe-Light and Pak-Lites both run on 9v batteries. They run over a year on their lowest mode.

I just received my PALight/Safe-Light Survival in the mail yesterday.
i have a few PAL lights and they are great. But I am looking for more of a swath of light. Does anyone know the runtime on a Solarforce "brown" emitter on Lo using an AW 2600mAh 18650 cell?