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Sold/Expired FOUND a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe


Oct 9, 2007

As known because of the hight values...:grin2:

Is there somebody in Europe that wants to sell his Gatlights V3 ti
in good condition?

Feel free to shoot me a PM:D
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Re: Looking for a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe

I have a minty one I could ship across the pond to you if you didn't mind paying the shipping. :wave:

Re: Looking for a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe

very nice "polishing" :twothumbs
Re: Looking for a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe

Your v3 is a great offer and imho is nothing wrong with it. If I hadn't already ordered a new Gatlight TI directly from Lumencraft, I would certainly step in.
Maybe it's about customs. In Switzerland, the customs fee would be about USD 60.- for a Gatlight. In Germany, they could be much higher.

@Patriot 36
Very nice offer and great picture!
Re: Looking for a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe

I think it`s due to us "over here" getting "punished" by customs and high taxes wich usually evolves into us paying 30% or more sometimes...

And when you then add a few hundred bucks.. well.....:eek:

Am I right Toby....?
Re: Looking for a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe

Am I right Toby....?
I´m pretty sure you are.

If delivered to an EU country VAT and customs fee would be ~$85 for Troys $330 V3 (330 x 1,057 x 1,19 / 5,7% customs fee and 19% VAT and yes, VAT is due from the customs fee as well). Even though Troys offer is very good it adds up if you are from the old world ;-)

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Re: Looking for a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe

I think it`s due to us "over here" getting "punished" by customs and high taxes wich usually evolves into us paying 30% or more sometimes...

And when you then add a few hundred bucks.. well.....:eek:

Am I right Toby....?

I think you are right.:)

The germans tax for a Gatlight ($330) are around ~$80.:(
Re: Looking for a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe

I´m pretty sure you are.

If delivered to an EU country VAT and customs fee would be ~$85 for Troys $330 V3 (330 x 1,057 x 1,19 / 5,7% customs fee and 19% VAT and yes, VAT is due from the customs fee as well). Even though Troys offer is very good it adds up if you are from the old world ;-)


I'm too late.:whistle:
Re: Looking for a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe

I know exactly where your coming from Toby, Ive been hit twice for taxes
on lights .... $40 and $50.
You can ask the seller to write a lesser value for the light, but what happens if the light gets lost in the post and you have to claim from the post office
Its not really worth the risk.

Anyway, good luck with your search for a Gatlight Toby
Re: Looking for a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe

I know exactly where your coming from Toby, Ive been hit twice for taxes
on lights .... $40 and $50.
You can ask the seller to write a lesser value for the light, but what happens if the light gets lost in the post and you have to claim from the post office
Its not really worth the risk.

Anyway, good luck with your search for a Gatlight Toby

I know...its not worth the risk!:)

Did you perhaps have Gatlight for me?:wave:
Re: Looking for a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe

Your offer is great...:D :aaa:

But toooo high the custom values. Sometimes you need to save money...:whistle:

To read above like Eric and Dirk told above


My name is not Dirk...:eek:

Re: Looking for a GATLIGHT V3 ti in Europe

You mean, there is no way around the customs tax garbage? Serial# 026 :poke:
