Free floodlight No batteries req


Nov 13, 2007
South Africa
The following FREE floodlight is available to all. :takeit: This light has an extremely wide and even flood beam with no hot spots.

No need for free international shipping (it is already there). No need for batteries. Sometimes it is brighter than at other times. Best of all, it is there for everybody to enjoy when your flashlight batteries are dead or when you do not have a flashlight available (not sure if this statement applies to CPF members).



Edit: Resized pic
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Oh, I am quite disappointed with mine, I think it has a dirty emitter; can someone please post instructions on how to disassemble and clean it?

I don't think I am happy with the tint either, and the UI leaves me feeling cold!

(nice picture though, camera on a telescope?)
im not sure about the smell of mine it kinda smells like cheddar cheese, anyone else have this issue or is this normal...
Mine appears to be clouded quite often, like there is something inbetween the emitter and the glass lens...
There seems to be an intermittent problem with this light. Some nights it is quite bright, yet on other nights it doesn't come on at all. There are other times that the light comes on partially and fails to give it's normal beam pattern. Additionally, the light output and run time seems to be affected by latitude and appear to be gradually changing. After conducting extensive observations, I've come to the conclusion that the emitter may not be properly centered on the reflector and the gradual change in output may be due to an ongoing slight degradation related to thermal management.

There was a review on this light, but it did not appear using the search function. The reviewer's name was Gore, but perhaps it was on a different forum.
Mine gives off a high, whiny pitch whenever I use the turbo mode. Has anyone else noticed this problem.

Fiit and finish is good. Really, I don't have any other complaints.
(nice picture though, camera on a telescope?)

Checked the original photo and here are the specs when taken:
Lens: 300mm 2.8 L with 2x extender (600mm x 1.6 for image sensor size = 960mm)
Manual exposure: F5.6 Shutter 1/1000 sec
ISO speed: 200
White balance: Sunlight (Flash setting gave a warmer colour and Auto was terrible - grey only with no warm tint)
Mirror lock with self timer exposure
Lens fitted to tripod only
Shooting Date/Time 2005/02/25 09:28:36 PM
Original image was cropped