Friend gave me a Pelican 8050 flashlight - any thoughts?


Feb 21, 2007
Hi guys,

My friend missed my birthday, so he mailed me this light. I couldn't find a proper review for it, so I was curious about it

Any thoughts? good/bad/ugly?:)

Thanx in advance :)
its nowhere near new, but it will be fine for checking out disturbances at night outside the house. i highly doubt it cam illuminate distances beyond, say, 200 feet?

since it new, i think its a good idea to get some sort of screen protector for the "window"., IIRC its not scratch resistant glass. the runtime is a rather short 2 hours, so this is not your ideal blackout light. never seen the beam profile before, but if there are artifacts in the beam, some LDT (light defusing tape) should smoothen the beam.

lastly, if its kept always charged do check periodically for battery leakage.

thanx for info. i guess i should also specifiy that it wouldn't be used for anything like work/heavy duty enviroment.

so, 200ft is plenty, max i'd say i be looking at 20ft.

i just wanted a compact, recharable light and not a lantern sort.

i kinda wanted to look at 8060 cause it's led with 6 hr battery, but price difference is rather heavy:)