From the "What were they thinking file?!?"


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2005
Treasure Valley, Idaho
I mean, if this was pre-diagnosis; completely understandable.
But the family knew! Come on.... Though definitely have seen folks do dumber things.
Who knew?

Yeah, really sad.
I'm sure he never did that before, or they would have watched him more closely.
I imagine that the family took him on vacation while they still could, and hoped that he would remember it or in the least enjoy it/himself before he became too feeble.
Training 101:
Stay away from moving propeller!!!

Apparently she was looking down at her instrument while walking around. This is the same as looking at your cellphone while crossing a busy street. You've gotta look up once in awhile.
Training 101:
Stay away from moving propeller!!!


There are certain things that one shouldn't have to be told....
I'm sorry but this is someone with severe mental health issues.
I understand and agree with your thinking. The meme was a parody. It didn't happen. I hope you feel better.
Likely from an early age. His parents failed miserably in getting him the professional help he clearly, desperately needed.
Even if the story were true, there's no way you can make that determination sans guessing.
One, thank you for letting me know it was fake.

Two, that's not guessing. That's reality. Small children are raised by parents. Mental health issues develop early. Children live with their parents. Parents see what is happening. Some choose to do the right thing. Others choose to play pretend that there is nothing wrong with their child. Again, that's reality.