ARC mania
Flashlight Enthusiast
I have 8pcs of the 3 speed Extreme Micro modules up for sale. No fancy blinking modes, just low, medium and, high. Simple. The output levels are: low = 15ma, medium = 160ma and high = 475ma. The LED used is a Golden Dragon with lens. Bin#:LW W51M-KX-6L and made by Osram. The tint is a bit on the warm side similar to a VO tint of an SSC-P4. Light output in high is pretty impressive. $138.00 each shipped by Express. Buy an Extreme Micro module for $138.00 and get an Extreme III for an additional $75.00. Send payment to arcmania (at) hotmail (dot) com Make sure to include your CPF NAME. Otherwise, I will have trouble trying to figure out who you are which leads to slow shipping. Thank you.
ARC mania
ARC mania