Flashlight Enthusiast

#1 27LT as received from Don, never carried. UX1K LuxIII/DBx2-917...$150 SOLD (shipped USPS Priority)

#2 Violet Pi body only from PEU test fitted only...$45 SOLD
No Pics...
#3 E1W Winelight 1x123 body only new...$10 SOLD
#4 Aleph LE UW0J LuxIII/Wiz2-650 new, only tested...$47
#5 Aleph LE SW0H LuxI/Wiz2-650 new, only tested...$47 Withdrawn
#6 WY0S LuxV TM from Arc Mania...$117 SOLD
#7 TTM TM for Maxlite (1AA only)...$85 SOLD
All prices include domestic USPS First Class shipping with delivery confirmation (unless stated otherwise). International Global Priority please add $7 (and PM me with a contact phone number for shipping purposes). Paypal only (cash or CC ok). First unconditional "I'll take it" gets it. Questions and PM are welcome.
Paypal to: fiorentd [at] mail.nih.gov
Please add your CPF user name in your paypal payment somewhere. Thanks.
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