FS: M6 Titanium Bezels ***CLOSED***
For Sale....M6 Titanium Bezels
This 1st run is Sold Out and Closed...
Shown with Style 8TC
For this first offering, I have created a variety of different styles.
Each style is shown with pictures and a corresponding list at the bottom.
The majority are crenellated with extra chamfers. I chose to make some with 8 crenellations
as the other features on a M6 are also 8 places. I kept a few plain, for those who prefer a more simple look.
All the bezels on this run are about 1/8" longer than the stock tall crenellated bezels from SF.
For anyone interested, these are all made from 6AL-4V Titanium. These should also fit the KT4 (2.5") TurboHeads.
**For cost and cosmetic reasons, I have elected to eliminate the drive notches found on the stock bezels.
Style Options:
"6 or 8" crenellations
"S" Outside diameter with a straight edge.
"T" Outside diameter with a tapered edge.
"C" With or without extra chamfers. Pic on right has Brushed finish.
Finish options:
1) Standard Finish. No Charge Unless you post otherwise, the finish will be slightly polished.
I use a polishing wheel to remove any sharp edges and it covers the exterior edges quite well.
The inside chamfer will not be polished.
2) Brushed Finish. Add $3 For a more matte look, I can use ScotchBrite to give the Ti a "grain" or "brushed" look.
This is easy to touch up at home and is closest to the natural machined appearance.
3) Bead Blasted. Add $3 For those who may want it, I can offer bead blasting, for that utility type look.
FYI, once bead blasted, polishing is difficult.
Pricing Info
Crenellated, varies from $115 to $135 depending on style and machine time. See individual styles.
Plain = $100
Removal Tool = $20
Shipping, USPS ConUS = $3
Shipping, USPS Int 1st Class = $8
Ordering Info
Payment by PayPal cash is preferred.... rmcaleve(at)pacbell.net
Please select the next available number and post here to hold your spot on the list.
To keep things organized, copy and paste from the list and enter the additional info...
example data: List#, Style, Price, Finish (Std, Brush, BB), Destination (US or Int.), Removal Tool (Yes, No), CPF name, Total.
example post: #5, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, RPM, 138
Don't forget to add your CPF name in your message when using PayPal!
Bezel Removal Info
I struggled with this a bit because of the difficulty in removing the stock bezel.
These are harder to do than the M3 because the O.D. lacks the "hex" shape that is easy to secure.
I am offering these tools that will hold the stock bezel sufficiently, but holding the M6 head is a trick.
You could use several methods to make a clamp, wood, strap wrench. or...
Perhaps there are some individulas that could offer a removal service for a nomimal fee.
In short, I figured, I should just make the tools available and let the buyers make that decision.
Used cautiously, some heat will help to soften the thread locking compound SF uses.
Here is my setup...
Here you go...
"Style 6T" crenellated, 6 notches, Taper on outside edge, without extra Chamfers
From the front these appear to have thicker walls. The crenellations are approximately .190" deep.
Price $115
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"Style 6TC" crenellated, 6 notches, Taper on outside edge, with extra Chamfers
Due to the added chamfers, the crenellations are more shallow, about .125"
Price $125
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"Style 6SC" crenellated, 6 notches, Straight wall on the outside edge, with extra Chamfers
Because the taper is removed from the outside edge, I made the crenellations deeper, about .190"
Price $130
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"Style 8TC" crenellated, 8 notches, Taper on outside edge, with extra Chamfers
Due to the added chamfers, the crenellations are more shallow, about .125"
Price $135
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"Style 8SC" crenellated, 8 notches, Straight wall on the outside edge, with extra Chamfers
Similar to Style 8TC, except the crenellations are a little deeper, about .155"
Price $135
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"Style PT" Plain, Taper on outside edge.
Price $100
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"Style PS" Plain, Straight wall on the outside edge.
Price $100
Ordering List
#1, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, Praxis, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#2, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, No, bigmark408, 118, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#3, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, LED Zeppelin, 138, Paid, Shipped 1021
#4, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, white light, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#5, Style 6T, 115, Std, Int, Yes, Icarus, 143, Paid, Shipped 10-25
#6, Style 6T, 115, Std, Int, No, blitzlicht65, 123, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#7, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, UKSFighter, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#8, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, senna94, 138 Paid, Shipped 10-28
#9, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, BugOutGear_USA, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#10, Style 6TC, 125, Std, US, Yes, William Lafferty,-, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#11, Style 6TC, 125, Std, US, Yes, sledhead, 148, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#12, Style 6TC, 125, Std, Int, Yes, DM51, 153, Paid, Shipped 10-23
#13, Style 6TC, 125, Std, Int, No, DM51, 133, Paid, Shipped 10-23
#14, Style 6TC, 125, Std, US, Yes, griff, 153, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#15, Style 6TC, 125, Std, Us, No, Lips, 128, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#16, Style 6TC, 125, Std, Int, Yes, criollo, 153, Paid, Shipped 10-25
#17, Style 6TC, 125, Std, US, Yes, MSaxatilus, 148, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#18, Style 6SC, 130, Std, Int, No, Icarus, 130, Paid, Shipped 10-25
#19, Style 6SC, 130, Std, Int, No, snakeeaterhg, 130 Paid, Shipped 12-3
#20, Style 6SC, 130, Std, US, Yes, ShortArc, 153, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#21, Style 6SC, 130-15, Std, US, Yes, nailbender, 135, Paid, Shipped 12-29
#22, Style 6SC, 130-15, Brushed, US, Yes, BSBG, 138, Paid, Shipped 12-29
#23, Style 8TC, 135, Std, US, No, MSaxatilus, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#24, Style 8TC, 135, Std, US, No, BugOutGear_USA, -, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#25, Style 8TC, 135, Std, Int, No, snakeeaterhg, 143, Paid, Shipped 12-3
#26, Style 8TC, 135-15, Std, Int, No, ShortArc, 120, Paid, Shipped 12-29
#27, Style 8TC, 135, Std, US, No, brighterisbetter, Sold, Shipped
#28, Style 8TC, 135 -15, Brushed, USA, Yes, AaronM, 143, Paid, Shipped
#29, Style 8TC, 135 -15, Brushed, USA, Yes, Skylar, 143, Paid, Shipped 3-12
#30, Style 8TC, 135 -15, Brushed, USA, No, LED Zeppelin, 123, Paid, Shipped 3-16
#31, Style 8SC, 135, BB, US, No, Ctechlite, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#32, Style 8SC, 135, Std, US, No, William Lafferty,-, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#33, Style 8SC, 135, Std, US, Yes, coyote223, 158, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#34, Style 8SC, 135, Std, Int, Yes, Visible EM Wave, 163, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#35, Style 8SC, 135, Std, US, No, BugOutGear_USA, -, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#36, Style PT, 100, Std, US, No, William Lafferty,-, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#37, Style PT, 100-15, Brush, US, Yes, niner, 111, Paid, Shipped 3-27
#38, Style PS, 100, Std, US, Yes, Drywolf, 123, Paid, Shipped
Added 3-28-09
#42, Style 6T, 115, STD, US, Yes, JakeGMCHD, 138, Paid, Shipped 4-3
#43, Style 6SC, 130, Brushed, US, No, proline, 136, Paid, Shipped 4-20
#44, Style 6SC, 130, Std, Int., Yes, candle01, 158, Paid, Shipping 5-15
Removal Tools Only
#1, Int, petrev, 28, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#2, US, MorpheusT1, 20+Paid, Shipped
For Sale....M6 Titanium Bezels
This 1st run is Sold Out and Closed...
Shown with Style 8TC

For this first offering, I have created a variety of different styles.
Each style is shown with pictures and a corresponding list at the bottom.
The majority are crenellated with extra chamfers. I chose to make some with 8 crenellations
as the other features on a M6 are also 8 places. I kept a few plain, for those who prefer a more simple look.
All the bezels on this run are about 1/8" longer than the stock tall crenellated bezels from SF.
For anyone interested, these are all made from 6AL-4V Titanium. These should also fit the KT4 (2.5") TurboHeads.
**For cost and cosmetic reasons, I have elected to eliminate the drive notches found on the stock bezels.
Style Options:
"6 or 8" crenellations

"S" Outside diameter with a straight edge.

"T" Outside diameter with a tapered edge.

"C" With or without extra chamfers. Pic on right has Brushed finish.

Finish options:
1) Standard Finish. No Charge Unless you post otherwise, the finish will be slightly polished.
I use a polishing wheel to remove any sharp edges and it covers the exterior edges quite well.
The inside chamfer will not be polished.
2) Brushed Finish. Add $3 For a more matte look, I can use ScotchBrite to give the Ti a "grain" or "brushed" look.
This is easy to touch up at home and is closest to the natural machined appearance.
3) Bead Blasted. Add $3 For those who may want it, I can offer bead blasting, for that utility type look.
FYI, once bead blasted, polishing is difficult.
Pricing Info
Crenellated, varies from $115 to $135 depending on style and machine time. See individual styles.
Plain = $100
Removal Tool = $20
Shipping, USPS ConUS = $3
Shipping, USPS Int 1st Class = $8
Ordering Info
Payment by PayPal cash is preferred.... rmcaleve(at)pacbell.net
Please select the next available number and post here to hold your spot on the list.
To keep things organized, copy and paste from the list and enter the additional info...
example data: List#, Style, Price, Finish (Std, Brush, BB), Destination (US or Int.), Removal Tool (Yes, No), CPF name, Total.
example post: #5, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, RPM, 138
Don't forget to add your CPF name in your message when using PayPal!
Bezel Removal Info
I struggled with this a bit because of the difficulty in removing the stock bezel.
These are harder to do than the M3 because the O.D. lacks the "hex" shape that is easy to secure.
I am offering these tools that will hold the stock bezel sufficiently, but holding the M6 head is a trick.
You could use several methods to make a clamp, wood, strap wrench. or...
Perhaps there are some individulas that could offer a removal service for a nomimal fee.
In short, I figured, I should just make the tools available and let the buyers make that decision.
Used cautiously, some heat will help to soften the thread locking compound SF uses.
Here is my setup...

Here you go...
"Style 6T" crenellated, 6 notches, Taper on outside edge, without extra Chamfers
From the front these appear to have thicker walls. The crenellations are approximately .190" deep.
Price $115

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"Style 6TC" crenellated, 6 notches, Taper on outside edge, with extra Chamfers
Due to the added chamfers, the crenellations are more shallow, about .125"
Price $125

********* ********* ********* ********* *********
"Style 6SC" crenellated, 6 notches, Straight wall on the outside edge, with extra Chamfers
Because the taper is removed from the outside edge, I made the crenellations deeper, about .190"
Price $130

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"Style 8TC" crenellated, 8 notches, Taper on outside edge, with extra Chamfers
Due to the added chamfers, the crenellations are more shallow, about .125"
Price $135

********* ********* ********* ********* *********
"Style 8SC" crenellated, 8 notches, Straight wall on the outside edge, with extra Chamfers
Similar to Style 8TC, except the crenellations are a little deeper, about .155"
Price $135

********* ********* ********* ********* *********
"Style PT" Plain, Taper on outside edge.
Price $100

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"Style PS" Plain, Straight wall on the outside edge.
Price $100

Ordering List
#1, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, Praxis, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#2, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, No, bigmark408, 118, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#3, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, LED Zeppelin, 138, Paid, Shipped 1021
#4, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, white light, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#5, Style 6T, 115, Std, Int, Yes, Icarus, 143, Paid, Shipped 10-25
#6, Style 6T, 115, Std, Int, No, blitzlicht65, 123, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#7, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, UKSFighter, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#8, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, senna94, 138 Paid, Shipped 10-28
#9, Style 6T, 115, Std, US, Yes, BugOutGear_USA, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#10, Style 6TC, 125, Std, US, Yes, William Lafferty,-, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#11, Style 6TC, 125, Std, US, Yes, sledhead, 148, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#12, Style 6TC, 125, Std, Int, Yes, DM51, 153, Paid, Shipped 10-23
#13, Style 6TC, 125, Std, Int, No, DM51, 133, Paid, Shipped 10-23
#14, Style 6TC, 125, Std, US, Yes, griff, 153, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#15, Style 6TC, 125, Std, Us, No, Lips, 128, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#16, Style 6TC, 125, Std, Int, Yes, criollo, 153, Paid, Shipped 10-25
#17, Style 6TC, 125, Std, US, Yes, MSaxatilus, 148, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#18, Style 6SC, 130, Std, Int, No, Icarus, 130, Paid, Shipped 10-25
#19, Style 6SC, 130, Std, Int, No, snakeeaterhg, 130 Paid, Shipped 12-3
#20, Style 6SC, 130, Std, US, Yes, ShortArc, 153, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#21, Style 6SC, 130-15, Std, US, Yes, nailbender, 135, Paid, Shipped 12-29
#22, Style 6SC, 130-15, Brushed, US, Yes, BSBG, 138, Paid, Shipped 12-29
#23, Style 8TC, 135, Std, US, No, MSaxatilus, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#24, Style 8TC, 135, Std, US, No, BugOutGear_USA, -, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#25, Style 8TC, 135, Std, Int, No, snakeeaterhg, 143, Paid, Shipped 12-3
#26, Style 8TC, 135-15, Std, Int, No, ShortArc, 120, Paid, Shipped 12-29
#27, Style 8TC, 135, Std, US, No, brighterisbetter, Sold, Shipped
#28, Style 8TC, 135 -15, Brushed, USA, Yes, AaronM, 143, Paid, Shipped
#29, Style 8TC, 135 -15, Brushed, USA, Yes, Skylar, 143, Paid, Shipped 3-12
#30, Style 8TC, 135 -15, Brushed, USA, No, LED Zeppelin, 123, Paid, Shipped 3-16
#31, Style 8SC, 135, BB, US, No, Ctechlite, 138, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#32, Style 8SC, 135, Std, US, No, William Lafferty,-, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#33, Style 8SC, 135, Std, US, Yes, coyote223, 158, Paid, Shipped 10-21
#34, Style 8SC, 135, Std, Int, Yes, Visible EM Wave, 163, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#35, Style 8SC, 135, Std, US, No, BugOutGear_USA, -, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#36, Style PT, 100, Std, US, No, William Lafferty,-, Paid, Shipped 10-20
#37, Style PT, 100-15, Brush, US, Yes, niner, 111, Paid, Shipped 3-27
#38, Style PS, 100, Std, US, Yes, Drywolf, 123, Paid, Shipped
Added 3-28-09
#42, Style 6T, 115, STD, US, Yes, JakeGMCHD, 138, Paid, Shipped 4-3
#43, Style 6SC, 130, Brushed, US, No, proline, 136, Paid, Shipped 4-20
#44, Style 6SC, 130, Std, Int., Yes, candle01, 158, Paid, Shipping 5-15
Removal Tools Only
#1, Int, petrev, 28, Paid, Shipped 10-24
#2, US, MorpheusT1, 20+Paid, Shipped
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