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Sold/Expired FS: Silver 3D Hotwire Maglite


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 6, 2008
FS: Silver 3D Hotwire Maglite (Weekend-Deal)

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what kind of batteries can you use with the 100W 64625 bulb?

is there any battery included?

Here is the graph about the 64625 bulb from LuxLuthor's thread. So you can basically use any battery combination up to 14.2V BUT (and a big but) the batteries have to handle the high current. So I recommend you to use 32650 li-ion cells. Normally they are to long for usage in a 3D Maglite. That's why you'll also get the extension when buying the light.

There are no batteries included in the sale.

It's indeed a great mod. Thank you for you great thread about it :thumbsup:. That's were I got the idea from.

Curious about your reflector "brand", is it a Britelumens or KD? I need a couple for some builds Im working on and hadnt bought any standard reflectors in awhile but Ive heard people have been having some issues as of late with the Britelumens, and was just curious.

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It's that one from KD. You'll get a great flood beam with decent throw. Bought many OP reflectors from KD and I always was very content with them.

Good deal, I thought the texture was very similiar to KD, their texture seems to be a little more fine than the Britelumens IMO.
You're right, just compared it to one of the Britelumens OP reflectors I have and they texture of the KD one seems a little bit finer.

Here is the graph about the 64625 bulb from LuxLuthor's thread. So you can basically use any battery combination up to 14.2V BUT (and a big but) the batteries have to handle the high current. So I recommend you to use 32650 li-ion cells. Normally they are to long for usage in a 3D Maglite. That's why you'll also get the extension when buying the light.

There are no batteries included in the sale.


Hi I am interested...sent you a pm. Quick question: can it take IMR 26500? how many?
Sent you a mail.

Yes it can take IMR 26500. Just measured it the 3x 32650 I wanted to use are 19,9cm long and from AW's specs the 4x IMR 26500 are about 20,2cm long. So this will fit fine but you'll need some kind of adapter because of the smaller diameter. I saw many use a PVC tube. 4x IMR 26500 was also an idea of me but I think I'll stay a LED-fan even if I really like the incan-tint ;).

Hi Rayman, thanks for the info! Did you manage to solve the 32650 battery one of three failure? Read that in an older thread....a wee bit concerned too that the switch isnt soft start. cheers
Answered your mail. I think the problem was that the batteries from KD are of not that great quality. But I made you a suggestion in the mail regarding a soft-starter.


The curcuit consists only out of the KIU socket and the Rocker switch. I modded the Maglite so the resistance is as low as possible. I only had problems because the batteries were of low quality as they also failed in my P7 Maglite. With batteries of higher quality you want have any problems ;).
