All sales: First I'll take it posted here gets the light. All prices include priority mailing within the US. and paypal fees. No add ons to the price except optional insurance. Insurance add $3.00. Foreign sales, email me to work out postage. Paypal is wmlafferty [at] comcast [dot] net.
For Sale.
Arc Mania Mega Micro. P7 single 123 cell. Olive Mil Spec finish. Comes with nylon holster with internal pocket for spare cell. Extremely bright and reliable. Strong light. Mint.
$250.00 SOLD
FM single C cell light (AW recharable included) with 6P head. This light has a Solarforce head and strike bezel and Malkoff M30 WF (warm flood). Excellent as emergency light because of long run time and compact size. Mint.
$125.00 SOLD
ICARUS custom built AA head and tailcap on MiniMaglite body. Takes two AA cells (two new Lithium cells included). Also included is ICARUS built pill which seems to have a Luxeon emitter. Easy to drop in a new emitter if you feel the need. For my purposes, light was fine as is. Excellent throw, reasonably bright.
$125.00, $100,$75,00 SOLD
For Sale.
Arc Mania Mega Micro. P7 single 123 cell. Olive Mil Spec finish. Comes with nylon holster with internal pocket for spare cell. Extremely bright and reliable. Strong light. Mint.
$250.00 SOLD

FM single C cell light (AW recharable included) with 6P head. This light has a Solarforce head and strike bezel and Malkoff M30 WF (warm flood). Excellent as emergency light because of long run time and compact size. Mint.
$125.00 SOLD

ICARUS custom built AA head and tailcap on MiniMaglite body. Takes two AA cells (two new Lithium cells included). Also included is ICARUS built pill which seems to have a Luxeon emitter. Easy to drop in a new emitter if you feel the need. For my purposes, light was fine as is. Excellent throw, reasonably bright.
$125.00, $100,$75,00 SOLD

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