Gatlight modding...


Apr 13, 2005
The gatlight is one of my favourite lights so I owned plenty of them and still have a few.
Sure I took them all in my workshop to do little improvements on them.
This is what I want to show you in this thread :)

Lets start vice versa with Version three.
This light is close to perfect as perfect a Gatlight can be.
The only thing I did was putting in a MCR reflector and an UCL lens.


Lets go on with a V2 Titanium, here I had a little more to do ;)
It also got a MCR reflector and the UCL lens, but I also felt it could need a carbon tube to cover the battery :)


Now we are at my favorite Gat, the V1
The same as above and a little bit more.
MCR reflector, UCL lens, carbon tube, V2 hex screws and a complete V2 switch.


But I own a second V1 and thought about, if a single stage light really needs such a fuzzy turning swich.
It does not :)


All other is done as for the first V1, but here I used the black hex screws.

Hope you like them :)

That is wild. I never thought about what kind of mods could be done to a Gatlight.

I'm undecided about the addition of a Kroll switch, but I love the addition of the reflector. :thumbsup:
Nice work! I have a V1 thats been sleeping for far too long. Might have to find him a new place to stay.
Easiest mod for my GatLight: (not quite, some screws needed to be cut)
