Flashlight Enthusiast
Dear GatLight V2 owner
Most of you probably saw that we have finally delivered the V3 version. After having delivered the V3 we would like to open an interest thread here regarding upgrading GatLight V2s.
The V2 was revolutionary in such that it introduced the first variable brightness driver (contrary to Surefire's Titan claims), however we've always felt that the V2 was not perfect. The brightness control was a bit flickery, the battery would drain if the knob was not completely in the off position. And also the driver falls out when the battery is removed.
Having just rolled out the V3 we feel that we've finally mastered the technique and we would like to get the chance to upgrade the V2 GatLights to what we feel a perfect user interface for the V2. This will NOT include a push button switch like the V3, however a smooth variable brightness control, an upgrade to the current LED generation and also a fix for the battery drain if the light is not completely turned off.
Our goal with this upgrade is to bring the V2 to a level where we feel it is perfect for what we intended it to be.
There are 2 ways we can achieve this:
Option 1: We take the existing V2 driver, and upgrade the LED to a Seoul P4 Led as well as make some modifications to the driver that reduces any flickering. Also we add a retaining ring which will keep the driver in the front housing (so no more falling out of the driver). However the battery drain if you do not completely turn off the light will not be fixed. You'll end up with a smoothly working light, still optimized for use with rechargeables (drainage only to a save level), upgraded to the latest LED generation. Cost of this upgrade would be less than $50. The LED would be driven very hard at max (1000mA).
Option 2: In this option we would install a V3 driver in the GatLight V3. You'll get smooth brightness changes, when the light turns on it would turn on at full brightness... so no more battery drain if the light is not completely rotated to the end - since the light turns on at max brightness than as you keep turning it would dim, you'll see that the light is on.. and if you rotate it to when the light is off, it is off nor more drain (no need to rotate all the way back). Also we'd install a retaining ring to keep the driver in the front. V3 drivers are optimized for primary cells, however also work with rechargeables however they drain them to a level which will significantly shorten your rechargeables life. So ideal use here is with a primary 123 cell. Doing this option would mean making new circuit boards, new v3 driver etcs. and costs would be higher than $50, probably $60.
Option 3: Basically Option 1 and 2 combined. You'll send your existing driver and we'll upgrade it as described, and you'll get a V3 driver for use with primaries.
Generally our goal with this is not to make money - the prices are pretty much our costs. You will be required to send in your GatLight for the change, to prevent that our drivers go out and are used for other projects.
If there is interest we'd like to do this (whether its just option 1 or Option 2 and 3 as well is open at this point). Also time when we'll do this is open at the moment.
Most of you probably saw that we have finally delivered the V3 version. After having delivered the V3 we would like to open an interest thread here regarding upgrading GatLight V2s.
The V2 was revolutionary in such that it introduced the first variable brightness driver (contrary to Surefire's Titan claims), however we've always felt that the V2 was not perfect. The brightness control was a bit flickery, the battery would drain if the knob was not completely in the off position. And also the driver falls out when the battery is removed.
Having just rolled out the V3 we feel that we've finally mastered the technique and we would like to get the chance to upgrade the V2 GatLights to what we feel a perfect user interface for the V2. This will NOT include a push button switch like the V3, however a smooth variable brightness control, an upgrade to the current LED generation and also a fix for the battery drain if the light is not completely turned off.
Our goal with this upgrade is to bring the V2 to a level where we feel it is perfect for what we intended it to be.
There are 2 ways we can achieve this:
Option 1: We take the existing V2 driver, and upgrade the LED to a Seoul P4 Led as well as make some modifications to the driver that reduces any flickering. Also we add a retaining ring which will keep the driver in the front housing (so no more falling out of the driver). However the battery drain if you do not completely turn off the light will not be fixed. You'll end up with a smoothly working light, still optimized for use with rechargeables (drainage only to a save level), upgraded to the latest LED generation. Cost of this upgrade would be less than $50. The LED would be driven very hard at max (1000mA).
Option 2: In this option we would install a V3 driver in the GatLight V3. You'll get smooth brightness changes, when the light turns on it would turn on at full brightness... so no more battery drain if the light is not completely rotated to the end - since the light turns on at max brightness than as you keep turning it would dim, you'll see that the light is on.. and if you rotate it to when the light is off, it is off nor more drain (no need to rotate all the way back). Also we'd install a retaining ring to keep the driver in the front. V3 drivers are optimized for primary cells, however also work with rechargeables however they drain them to a level which will significantly shorten your rechargeables life. So ideal use here is with a primary 123 cell. Doing this option would mean making new circuit boards, new v3 driver etcs. and costs would be higher than $50, probably $60.
Option 3: Basically Option 1 and 2 combined. You'll send your existing driver and we'll upgrade it as described, and you'll get a V3 driver for use with primaries.
Generally our goal with this is not to make money - the prices are pretty much our costs. You will be required to send in your GatLight for the change, to prevent that our drivers go out and are used for other projects.
If there is interest we'd like to do this (whether its just option 1 or Option 2 and 3 as well is open at this point). Also time when we'll do this is open at the moment.
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