Gatlight V3 or Surefire Titan


Aug 21, 2005
New Hampshire

Hey, if he can pick NONE, then I can pick BOTH. :p

The Gatlight is a very cool and unusual light. I love the use of optics, especially the glow from the light leaking out to the side. Practically (keeping a straight face saying that about a $400 light), it can run very, very bright without getting hot and it has relatively good runtime since it uses a 123.

The Titan is also very cool, but in a different way. It's sleek and compact, with very nice machining, but more simple and stylish than the Gatlight is unique. It's the only light of it's size (the size that will fit in my coin pocket) that has variable output. Hopefully the ring will be easy to use, including one-handed operation. I trust Surefire that the light will be very bright with a beautiful warm white flood beam.
