I would very much like to have a 12V powersource out in the wild. It does not have to be all that powerful, just charge batteries.
The thing is, on most of my hikes there is a lot more chance for wind than sunlight, meaning that solarpanels are a bit useless.
Does anybody make either a compact windgenerator for 12V or perhaps a handcranked generator?
What is needed to create such a generator myself, i.e. how do I turn muscular effort into electricity?
If you are familiar with the Rjukan raid / heroes of Telemark (bunch of guys blew up the heavy water facility in an attempt to stop the Germans building the atomic bomb during WW2.) you might know that they used a handcranked generator to charge the batteries (for a navigation system on the ground for bombers). This version was however too hard to crank, so hard they could not manage to turn it. Really clever :thumbsup:
The thing is, on most of my hikes there is a lot more chance for wind than sunlight, meaning that solarpanels are a bit useless.
Does anybody make either a compact windgenerator for 12V or perhaps a handcranked generator?
What is needed to create such a generator myself, i.e. how do I turn muscular effort into electricity?
If you are familiar with the Rjukan raid / heroes of Telemark (bunch of guys blew up the heavy water facility in an attempt to stop the Germans building the atomic bomb during WW2.) you might know that they used a handcranked generator to charge the batteries (for a navigation system on the ground for bombers). This version was however too hard to crank, so hard they could not manage to turn it. Really clever :thumbsup: