Gigalumens - a cavers secret,

They make big lumens no doubt, but they can only be "flashed" once.... Too bad! That would make for some sick lights haha!
Hey, i'm old enough (56) to have actually USED these little gems !

Back when AG-1 flashbulbs would cost me 40 Cents apiece !


That's IN ADDITION to my film and processing costs.


Thus making any Indoor Photography quite an expen$ive hobby for a pre-teen.

Then, imagine getting a "No-Flash", cuz' of a Bad Connection "somewhere".

There goes another frame wasted, from my 12 exposure roll of 127 film.

My camera, during this early phase of my photography career ?

On Christmas morning, 1962, i received a Kodak Brownie Fiesta !

Hey ! Remember the little tags, which read: "Open Me First !"


Gee, perhaps my comments here may be more appropriate for our Dark Room forum.

I remember using magnesium flash pods when I was a little kid. Thankfully, my parents weren't so unbelievably cheap that they held out on buying a decent electronic-flash camera until the 90s. In retrospect, it seems like the sort of thing they would've done.

That being said, I didn't get a good camera of my own until I started collecting pretty titanium flashlights. :shakehead Someday I've gotta go back to playing with R/C cars, they're so much cheaper...