Glowing lanyards anyone?


another method is to thread a normal lanyard through glow-in-the-dark tubing available from hobby fishing stores.
Here are some that i have done using GITD cord from Lighthound.

GreenLED is willabot still selling cord? last time i checked he didn't have any left




The cord is great, very bright when charged up :grin2:
Yeah interest kind of died out just as I got down to fairly small amounts... at the same time I discovered Lighthound was selling it as well, and pricing was the same. I could order more, but with sales dropping off like they did, I figured everyone was just buying it from Lighthound now.

Also think something happened with CPF, as I stopped receiving emails when someone replied to the thread, and no one was PM or Emailing me.

I think I'll just let lighthound do the selling now, since he picked it up and priced it for the same... if he ever drops it, I might pick it back up
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I got some of this cord from Lighthound and made a few lanyards for my lights. Nothing as fancy as yours, though, just a basic loop.

I have a Photon with one of these GID lanyards at my bedside. When I'm going to bed, I usually blast it briefly with a flashlight to charge it, and I can see it glow whenever I happen to wake up in the night or the early morning hours. So the glow lasts several hours. It is pretty dim after a while, of course, but in the dark, with dark-adapted eyes, it's easily visible.

I've been thinking of making a GID bracelet out of this cord for my nephew. I hope he'll think it's cool and "magic". :grin2:
I am trying to figure out whether Lighthound's GITD lanyard as seen here

uses the older zinc sulfide or the newer strontium aluminate. I called customer service, and they said if I call back tomorrow, I should have an answer once they contact their supplier. In the event they cannot figure it out, does anyone know which compound they use?
LED, I'm pretty sure these are not made from strontium aluminate.

They do glow a wee bit more than the old Zn-based formula, but definitely NOT like the strontium formulation.
Okay, thank you, green. I will still post the answer (if they can get one from the supplier) once I hear back from the 'Hound.

EDIT: 5/15/09 2:24 P.M.

I just spoke to the customer service folks at Lighthound. They tried to find out, but could not. I think I will order them anyway, since:

a) they are cheap
b) they add to the appeal of the light, making it both cooler (appealing to me) and easier to locate in the dark, even if by a small amount
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I got the lanyards today! They are okay for the price, perhaps a little less quality in the material than I was expecting. As long as they do not fall apart, they should be fine. I am a little nervous, because it appears the end piece which holds the thread closed is glued shut. It is not the fact that it is glued shut that bothers me, it is the fact I can see part of the glue caked along the molding line in the plastic.
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I have bought a glow in the dark paracord, it was all fun and such until i noticed that it LEAVES GLOWING DUST EVERYWHERE!
i made a bracelet in my bed and when it got completely dark and i used my UV light to chargé up the paracord holding in my hand, the sheets and my entire hand started glowing too!
i started charging all sorts of stuff and my entire faceand clothing were glowing too... i made a little test and figured out that it spreads purely by a light touch or rub however, i cant seem toget it off not even with washing not even with soap and brush!

My question on you guys, what is this stuff? is it dangerous when you eat it? cuz its everywhere and its being spread more and more.

i cant honestly make a bracelet for anyone with a good feeling knowing this

(btw i didnt want to make a new thread and this was the closest thread i could find)