Going to MOD my Stinger LED with a Seoul P4


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 23, 2006
Today I unsoldered the LED from my Stinger LED and ordered a Seoul P4 to mod it with. This will be my first mod so this newb has a few questions.

1. First, what should I use to hold the new LED in place while I solder it in? Epoxy?
2. How can I tell the LED's + and - posts apart?
3. Anything else I should know?
This looks like an easy mod and I can't wait to see the difference. Fingers crossed.
Here is a link to a recent post comparing the new Stinger LED.


Here is what I ordered today.


Any help or suggestions would help. I will post some comparison screenshots when its complete.
It's easiest to first artic alumina or arctic silver epoxy the led in place and let it set up, and then solder it. That way, you don't have to worry about bumping it off-center.

So long as the die height on the seoul works with this reflector, and the thermal path is electrically insulated, you should be good to go.
I just ordered some artic silver epoxy.

Question After I set the LED with epoxy, how fast does it set? Will I have time to make a few minor adjustments?

Just compared some pics of the Lux 3 and the P4 and they are almost identical so I do not anticipate having to make changes to the reflector.

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