Good AA Light?

Old Farmer

Newly Enlightened
Sep 26, 2007
I have 2-3 lights that use the 123 kind of batteries. I was looking for a good EDC AA light to carry, when I did not want to carry the larger lights? What about the Peak lights?
How about the Fenix L1T v2?
A bit more expensive but very bright. High and low beam, 2 tail caps, can be run with primary AA, NiMH, or even 3.6V Li-ion 14500 for even higher lumen.
Lots of great options.... I like my LumaPower LM301 (now they are back to calling it a LM31 I think)... Around $30, runs pretty good on anything from a 1.2V NIMH to a 3.7V li-ion... Only downfall of it IMO is that it doesn't have a very efficient low mode, (low is restored boost I think).. It does have a great beam and good quality all around.
Any of the above or the Fenix Cree or Rebel AA series lights will be fine for your application.

Peak lights are very tough and dependable but for most uses, that amount of durability is not needed. They also seem to be one mode lights. It would be cheaper to buy a light that would suit your uses better.
I would suggest a river rock single aa light. It has a very very nice tailcap and can be used as a candle. It put out 50 lumens and is a great light. It 23.00 at target. Dont mistake it for the twelve dollar green river rock.
The River Rock is around 25 lumen out the front(Luxeon I LED). It is good for a light that you can buy at a store buy since the websites are here, why not buy a light that is around the same price and is more powerful and efficient.

I would go for the Jetbeam CL-E V2.0 or the Lumapower LM31.
Actually, 50 is the claim, but 46 is the actual out the front. And for an extremely well built, quality, relatively inexpensive aa pocket light you cant beat it. So basically 25 is about half of this lights lumens.:oops:

There is no light that I have ever seen or heard of that is that efficient. If it claims 50 emitter lumens, it's probably closer to 33 out the front using the 2/3 rule. You generally loose around 33% efficiency between the emitter and out the front, not 8%.
+1 L1D-CE. I ordered the OP reflector, great beam w good throw as well.
Good UI too, not tactical but good.
I decided to go with the Fenix L1T V2.0. Thanks everyone for the good advice. Now the wait for it to get here!:twothumbs
I'm hoping Olight may have an AAx1 Q5 soon - that'd be a serious contender for AA champ. L1D/T are the others I'm looking at.
I decided to go with the Fenix L1T V2.0. Thanks everyone for the good advice. Now the wait for it to get here!:twothumbs

good choice! now we want pictures and testimonials and what you want for your next light and how you can't stop and how you sneak online here to look for more... :D
Lots of great options.... I like my LumaPower LM301 (now they are back to calling it a LM31 I think)... Around $30, runs pretty good on anything from a 1.2V NIMH to a 3.7V li-ion... Only downfall of it IMO is that it doesn't have a very efficient low mode, (low is restored boost I think).. It does have a great beam and good quality all around.

I believe the low low runs about 26 hours on a new Energizer. It only takes one. I second the LumaPower LM31 vigorously!

LumaPower LM31 80 lumens 1 x AA with Seoul SSC P4 LED

BatteryJunction 5% off code: cpf2006

Happy Shopping! :candle: