Good EDC lights? Tell me your favorite :)


Sep 14, 2008
The Netherlands
Hey guys,

What is your favorite edc light?
This might bring up some inspiration for me xD, and i'd like to know what fellow flashaholics prefer :p

Mine is the PD20 because of its pretty smooth form, small sice, good output.
It's not working atm so i'm not using it for now.

I still have a soft spot for my McLux III PD-S. I love the piston drive and an the overall look and feel. Even though it's not the brightest it is still an awesome EDC. The only reason I don't carry it more often is I pocket carry my gear and it is a tad big.
I've got these in my current rotation: Nitecore EX10 - Liteflux LF3XT - Ra Clicky 140 - Surefire L1 (and an Ra Twisty 85 that didn't make the photoshoot)
I have a lot of very good light and that makes it difficult(impossible) to pick my EDC favorites, at the current time I am carrying the 3 lights in the foreground:
Right now?
That would be the RA Twisty 100TW, and if i can find someone to drill/tap it for a carry clip that i have it will become the ultimate EDC for my needs.

Honorable mention goes to the Novatac 120P and SureFire E1B.
I'm now never without my Aeon. 2 levels, long runtime, regulated output and built like a tank.
I have a lot of very good light and that makes it difficult(impossible) to pick my EDC favorites, at the current time I am carrying the 3 lights in the foreground:

I'm thinking of buying that Dereelight EDC (small one), you like it I guess?
It has good output? I seem to not be able to find outputs on dereelight lights.

P.S. Great collection of lights in the background!!!:popcorn:
I EDC'd a P2D (previous version of the PD20) for many months until I came across JetBeam. The Jet I Mk IBS that I carry now outputs 2-225 lumens on a single 14500/AA cell, 50 hours runtime on minimum, with infinitely variable brightness control and three user-settable modes, and the exact same beam profile as a Fenix.

It's worth looking into if you'd like to see the next step beyond Fenix offerings (though I still have all my Fenix lights :thumbsup: )
I'm thinking of buying that Dereelight EDC (small one), you like it I guess?
It has good output? I seem to not be able to find outputs on dereelight lights.

I like most of my lights, but they all have some good and some bad abilities. The C2H has a good WOW factor, but I do not like to depend on it for longer time, there I prefer the CL1H (or the LF2X with its current programming).
I believe that the C2H Dereelight is just about the most powerful light that runs on a single CR123/16340 battery, but that also means that it is very fast at draining batteries (if I run it on high)!

P.S. Great collection of lights in the background!!!:popcorn:

It is only a small part of my collection, but includes many of my better lights.
I have a lot of very good light and that makes it difficult(impossible) to pick my EDC favorites, at the current time I am carrying the 3 lights in the foreground:

What light is that on the far left, the one that looks like SS?
Kinda mundane compared to above, but for me, the Fenix L0D/LD01 family provides first class reliability, efficiency, and performance in a minimal package.
I EDC'd a P2D (previous version of the PD20) for many months until I came across JetBeam. The Jet I Mk IBS that I carry now outputs 2-225 lumens on a single 14500/AA cell, 50 hours runtime on minimum, with infinitely variable brightness control and three user-settable modes, and the exact same beam profile as a Fenix.

It's worth looking into if you'd like to see the next step beyond Fenix offerings (though I still have all my Fenix lights :thumbsup: )

I know, my Jetbeam 2 IBS arrived TODAY and I totally love it, the self programming is fantastic, it's smaller than I thought.
Only down side is that for the label "pocket rocket" I thought you would get a smooth reflector, but I got a orange peel. Stupid me, had to look more carefully before buying but still, no regrets!:)

Anybody knows if the Eagletac 1 CR123 is pocketable, some people are praising them into heaven...
Kinda mundane compared to above, but for me, the Fenix L0D/LD01 family provides first class reliability, efficiency, and performance in a minimal package.

Yea, i've thought about the LDO1, probably gonna get it for with my keys, but still looking for a HIGH output EDC, for in the pocket, I have room so no need to cut on size awfull much :p
RC-N3-Q5 from shiningbeam is in an even tie with the leatherman LGX-200. They have different strengths and weaknesses, so its hard for me to pick just one. They are both bomb-proof reliable and won't break your wallet.







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