Got a couple of burglars this morning


May 10, 2008
I brought my brand new FM Magfire (WA1111) with me today and the first call of the day was a burglary. (Metal theft. Caught two dudes inside red-handed.)

Anyhoo, these in no way compare to the cool beamshots that I see posted but I thought they might be interesting nonetheless:




And the next two compare the WA1111 (top) to my Moddoo (bottom):



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Thanks for sharing man.
Nice pics.

I noticed that the shot with the triple is much further from the wall.

totally different lights, but was trying to compare the beamshots anyway.
Thanks for sharing man.
Nice pics.

I noticed that the shot with the triple is much further from the wall.

totally different lights, but was trying to compare the beamshots anyway.

Actually, the comparison between the WA1111 and triple are from the same spot. (Hard to tell though. I might have shifted position when I switched out lights.)
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Actually, the comparison between the WA1111 and triple are from the same spot. /QUOTE]
dissenting view,
Your reported location does not appear to be correct. (maybe you posted a different pic)

The location where the moddoo triple beam begins to illuminate the floor looks to be where you stood when you took the the m@gfire 11 pic.

Piece of duct-work sitting center of the room in the Moddoo pic is not visible in m@gfire 11 pic.
The white-ish liquid piping in the ceiling takes a 90degree bend towards left of frame in Moddoo pic, the m@gfire pic is taken beyond this bend as only a straight run of this piping is visible in m@gfire pic.
The white vertical beam to the left is one good indication of distance from far wall.
There are two big black tubes looking like ventalation, one is short, the other extends nearly too the floor--the hanging vent on the in the dark, far left of the m@gfire11 pic appears about 1/2 the distance to far wall in the moddoo pic.
Last issue confirming triangulation (rather then zoom): in the magfire11 pic the 2nd hanging vent is mid-distance between target wall and the much lower hanging vent. In the Moddoo pic the shorter hanging vent appears in much different orientation.

M@gfire 11 pic taken roughly 6/10ths the range that the Moddoo triple taken from.

Anyway, nice pics. I understand you where there and I'm just looking at images, but it seems like the pics you actually posted are taken a good distance appart.

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That hole in the wall makes me think of tomb robbers for some reason. Nice bust - good going! Round up as many of those dirtbags as possible. :thumbsup:

Nice shot of the lights too. They're nice looking.
Dang, you guys are right about my position; I must have posted the wrong picture because I'm pretty sure I took two from the same spot. (I took a lot of pictures while I was there but could only post a few for obvious reasons. :whistle:)

By the way, the fella holding the light isn't me, it's the building manager. I asked him to hold my light while I took some pictures. Perhaps I should have had him sign a release or something? :poke:
Glad to see a law officer with a good light! I built a couple Mag85's for a two of my friends who are both cops a few years back, they both love theirs. Especially since they look like standard 3 D cells. One of them said he used his one night on duty right after i gave it to him on a drunk guy who was walking along the street and wouldnt listen to him, he said that once the beam hit his face he was so disoriented he didnt know which way was up, lol. Anyway, keep up the good work out there! :thumbsup:
As of last night (finally got my reflectors from KD) I am sporting a M@g623 on patrol. It's a silver 3d with 12 NiMH with a 3 level soft start switch.
It lasted me all night last night. I mostly used the lower levels for taking pics (best pics ever!!) and used high a few times for lighting up cars and fields etc.
I had my M@G 09 for backup but the batteries never failed me on the 623 surprisingly. I guess that's because I don't use it to start fires, I use it to illuminate things quickly and then turn it off.

Anyhoo it's quite the zombie melter for those 3am encounters. I wouldn't ever actually shine it at someone on full power though if I could help it.

Now I carry like 6 lights at work, (well with me not on me). We have to photo document our equipment before each patrol shift, including our vehicle, and I have this huge pile of lights that makes my Sup crack up (course several of the guys are pestering meto make them some).

Good job on the bust!
Nice bust.

Great to see such lovely modded lights used where they mean the most in practical terms. Much better than having powerful shelf queens.

Fantastic looking grip on that FM BTW.

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