Got a new Fenix L2D CE.. it makes noise...?


Newly Enlightened
Aug 21, 2008
Hey guys. I just got my new order from fenix-store. I have a P3D Q5. Awesome light. I decided to get dad a a L2D CE for christmas, and me a "fenix" folding knife from fenix-store.

Well, I decided to test out his present, make sure it was working right, you know. :thumbsup:

Well the high setings isnt as bright as I thought... im thinking i shoulda spent the extra $9 for the Q5 now... but i spent more then i wanted to to begin with. =/

But it makes a humming sound.

9 lumens=no sound
40 lumens= LOUD whinning sound
80 lumens=softer but very present whining

135 lumens=slight sound, but present.

Is this normal??? My P3D Q5 doesnt do this at all.

While im at it. I had a P3D Q5 then lost it early this deer season in the woods :oops: So i bought another. And it seems like if it gets bumped around, or a slight jar... it wents to go to the low settings at each medium type bump. Is this normal? I dont recall my first P3D Q5 doing that...
Yes this whine often occurs with the L2D.

As for the P3D make sure the switch has been tightened securely into the tailcap.
Yes this whine often occurs with the L2D...
It looks like a matter of chance, because mine is absolutely silent in all modes, or at least to weak or high pitched for me. Since how well you hear high frequencies decreases as you become older, just wait :D.
Consider yourself quite lucky, i'm in my early twenties, and totally unable to hear the noise you describe, so you may have a really good hearing.

There are some threads about this issue, like
My L2D is silent also, however my ears, too, are definitely suffering from age and maybe a bit of loud music. I was checking my L0D for whine the other day and could hear it slightly in my right ear, but hardly at all in my left.

While im at it. I had a P3D Q5 then lost it early this deer season in the woods :oops: So i bought another. And it seems like if it gets bumped around, or a slight jar... it wents to go to the low settings at each medium type bump. Is this normal? I dont recall my first P3D Q5 doing that...

I have the p4 version and mine does this. But fortunately i use either high or low 99 percent of the time.
Ive got 3 L2D, 1 P4 and 2 Q5, theyre all silent, but my L0D does buzz a little, but only on low and medium, and can only be heard if you hold it very close to your ear.
Does anyone know if the noise can be at least partially eliminated by using a different type of battery? I seem to remember reading something to that effect a while ago. :thinking:
That was with the D10 IIRC. My L2D Q5 makes a very very slight hiss on turbo and strobe, but I have to concentrate to hear it.
I can't hear anything from my L2D Q5 however my S2 made by fenix has a very very low buz on the two modes but must be near my ear to hear this. I think the noise is a hit or miss thing that does not effect the light.
I got a L2D Q5 last week and it was so noisy I returned it. It wasn't also bright enough.

If there's still time before Christmas, return it and exchange for another one.
I bought a L2T V2.0 back when it was a rebel LED, it also had the "whine" sound, and seemed to flicker on high, it was returned to the store.
thanks for the replys. I think ill just keep the L2D, i mean its a gift anyways., i played with it some more, it is only really bad on the 2nd of 3 settings on the low side. the other ones not so bad. Im not sure if it matters... it was buzzing with the NIMH rechargables I was using.

I put in some alkalines, and it didnt. But the alkalines were also pretty weak... i didn't have any new ones around... maybe the type of AA matters too? :thinking:

as for my P3D Q5 i tightened the end cap, and it still goes to the lowest seting when bumped. I bumped the L2D just as hard, and harder, and it never reset itself.....

I e-mailed fenix store about possibly echanging the L2D for a Q5 when I was thinking about it, and asked about my P3d Q5 issue. Never got a reply, that was early this week.... I guess ill call em about my P3D Q5 next week, unless you all have an idea on why it would reset itself? :thinking: :tinfoil:
My L2D Q5 was noisy with NiMHs on turbo. With alkalines, at first it seemed silent, but after a minute or so the whining started again.
Well.. I am going to exchange it with Fenix-Store for the Q5. Hopefully theres enough time before xmas. I know there its, shipping only takes 2 days. but Its xmas time shipping gets slowed down...

BUT! as for my P3D Q5... any other reason why it would go to the lowest setting when bumped? the tail cap is tight. When I smacked the L2D the same, and harder, it would keep its current setting. I hate to think i would have to send my P3D Q5 off to fenix too for warrenty,,, but ill have to if that is infact the case....
My L2D Q5 does whines loudly on turbo. I think it's related to the boost circuit because it doesn't do it on fresh batteries. It's quite annoying but since it only does it on turbo I can deal with it.