Got my aluminum Preon kit (pics and beamshots Now with Preon 2 beams)


Jan 19, 2004
Waco, TX
I received my blue Preon kit today. Unfortunately the 2 cell configuration won't turn on. The 1 cell setup is very nice though. I'm really digging the UI with the clicky. The switch feels just fine to me and it's super fast to get to the high level once you click it on. You just have to barely press it once it's on to get to the next level. For me this is preferable to a twisty. Nicely spaced brightness levels too.


Here are some pics of the illumination. Not really beamshots per se as those have already been posted but just some pics showing what kind of illumination you could expect in a medium large room. This is the first time I've ever tried these kinds of pics and my camera is an APS so go easy. All shots are AWB, ISO-100. This is with an L92 battery:

No light at all:

Preon 1, Preon 2

Preon 1, Preon 2


The room with its normal lighting (haven't finished decorating the tree yet!):

Shot of my Nitecore SR3 on high for reference:

A good closeup pic of the color of the blue aluminum Preon:


hope this helps some of you who are wanting more info. I'll post some 2 cell info whenever that issue gets taken care of but I'm sure others with working 2 cell setups will beat me to that.

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Re: Got my aluminum Preon kit today (pics and beamshots)

Hi Brad,

Nice shots...thanks. If you get a chance, could you post shot os the Preon 1 with the clicky tail? If you have other AAA lights you could put in the shot for size comparison, that would be great.

Re: Got my aluminum Preon kit today (pics and beamshots)

My weeknights are typically pretty busy but if I have any more time then I'll try to get the requested shots. I don't have other AAA lights but I'll try to get a shot comparing it to some 2x and 1xCR123 lights as well as with a AAA battery. It's about a half inch shorter than a new crayon and about 3/4" longer than my tube of Burts Bees chapstick.

David has already sent me shipping notice for a replacement AAA body.

Re: Got my aluminum Preon kit today (pics and beamshots)

Nice practical shots but what really got me was the first, as I didn't read the text before looking: Now that's LOW... wait, what?! :crackup:
Re: Got my aluminum Preon kit today (pics and beamshots)

Thanks, Brad! I really appreciate it.
Re: Got my aluminum Preon kit today (pics and beamshots)

I hope someone finds this useful:

L to R: Streamlight Luxeon 4AA; Eagletac P20C2; Nitecore SR3; Preon I; AAA battery


Re: Got my aluminum Preon kit today (pics and beamshots)

I see some surround speakers.
What's the front stage looking like?

Nothing that impressive. JBL speakers, Dayton Audio sub; lower-end Sony receiver, Samsung 40" 1080p LCD. Don't even have blu-ray yet.

Re: Got my aluminum Preon kit today (pics and beamshots)

Thanks, Brad! I really appreciate you taking the time to do the comparison shot. THat looks pretty small even with the switch.

Re: Got my aluminum Preon kit today (pics and beamshots)

No prob.'s smaller than I thought it was going to be.

Re: Got my aluminum Preon kit today (pics and beamshots)

Thanks, Canuck! Looking forward to getting some Preon II beamshots once we get that working.

Re: Got my aluminum Preon kit today (pics and beamshots)

Nothing that impressive. JBL speakers, Dayton Audio sub; lower-end Sony receiver, Samsung 40" 1080p LCD. Don't even have blu-ray yet.


fair enough.
In any event you did a good job wiring up your rears. I don't see any wires exposed
Re: Got my aluminum Preon kit today (pics and beamshots)

Added pics of Preon 2 beamshots in the original post. Batteries used in the Preon 2 shots were the included Duracell alkalines vs. L92s used in the Preon 1 shots.

The alignment of the beam in the pictures wasn't quite the same...was kind of in a hurry. Sorry about that. Interesting difference in beam color with 1 vs. 2.

Dig, was the difference in beam-color between the two what you noticed in actual use? Or the result of different camera settings?

If so, which one is closer to the actual observed color?

I need to do another comparison. At first I thought It was beam difference but now Im not sure because I realized that the camera was on auto white balance so there could have been camera variations. I'll have to check it out when I get a chance.

After 9 days of using my Preon almost exclusively in the 1 cell form as EDC I can say for sure that the Preon 1 is useful and utterly practical. The great beam and smooth twisty one-handable activation make it a real pleasure to use. I'm very pleased with my Preon 1.
